Message from @Korin Dickman

Discord ID: 689923835973206155

2020-03-16 18:18:16 UTC  

Still better then nothing looking how US is responding.

2020-03-16 18:18:50 UTC  

They’re not shut down but everyone’s avoiding them they’re mostly empty, I live in the US BTW.

2020-03-16 18:21:01 UTC  

Yeah I noticed. Still, good to hear that people are sensible and don't go out because there are still European countries that give no flying damn about the situation (like Spain).

2020-03-16 18:21:31 UTC  

I’m still going out but I’m avoiding large gatherings/crowded areas.

2020-03-16 18:22:36 UTC  

Social distancing and good hygiene is key.

2020-03-16 18:26:33 UTC  


2020-03-16 20:15:53 UTC  

C virus is fake and ghey. It's all holograms.

2020-03-16 22:03:44 UTC  

@vexmasina44 I don't trust that Israeli vaccine since Vincent James speculated that there may be a spy chip in the vaccines.

2020-03-17 16:47:11 UTC  

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a spy chip
Either that or infertility
Hard to choose tbh

2020-03-18 16:40:22 UTC  

Tim Kelly said that the last 33 acids on the DNA of this virus are all "a". Do any of you autists have anything on this?

2020-03-18 16:45:33 UTC  

33 was already discussed here. Supposedly some kabhala/masonic numerological code.

2020-03-18 16:47:17 UTC  

Bio weapon theory is more and more possible with each new "accident" or "coincidences".

2020-03-18 16:47:46 UTC  

depends on your definition

2020-03-18 16:48:28 UTC  

Yeah but I didn't see anything about 33 a's at the end of the DNA

2020-03-18 16:49:11 UTC  

i really dont believe this was planned, but they did do research on this desease in that wuhan lab, possibly for biowea pons too. maybe it was modified during tests, maybe not

2020-03-18 16:49:44 UTC  

I didn't say it was bio weapon/lab abomination released on purpose.

2020-03-18 17:35:16 UTC  

Holy shit. C-chan has now presence in both Greenland and Madagascar...

2020-03-18 19:36:25 UTC  

but some guy in voice to text says we have the cure now

2020-03-18 19:51:00 UTC  

Sounds far fetched. If malaria meds are considered a cure that's not very good cure.

2020-03-18 19:52:00 UTC  


2020-03-18 19:58:04 UTC  

Significant side effects. Bordering on not being worth a risk.

2020-03-18 21:52:30 UTC  

Long A chains at the end of viruses is fairly common.

2020-03-18 22:02:27 UTC  

"The 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) sequence contains a 32–base pair region corresponding to the conserved s2m motif (17). The s2m motif is believed to be a universal feature of astroviruses that has also been identified in avian infectious bronchitis virus (avian IBV) and the ERV-2 equine rhinovirus. The high degree of conservation between the s2m motifs in these different viruses and their evolutionary distance suggests that the avian IBV and ERV-2 have acquired the s2m motif through separate horizontal RNA transfer events (17). The inferred distance of the SARS coronavirus to IBV from our phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1) would also suggest that the SARS coronavirus has obtained its s2m motif through a horizontal transfer event.


2020-03-18 22:07:38 UTC  

^If it has this kind of archatecture it just confirms that its from the SARS family of coronavirus

2020-03-18 22:18:02 UTC  

^Other Corona Genomes

2020-03-19 16:33:59 UTC  

I'm still not sure why exactly Italy got hit so hard by the plague. Was their government incompetent like in Finland right now or was it something else?

2020-03-19 17:09:48 UTC  

I am constantly torn between it's just a bad flue and this is the beginning of the end. Like how man people are dying more than normal that they are already at capacity.

2020-03-19 17:14:08 UTC  

>A spokesman for the local authority explained: "The crematorium of Bergamo, working at full capacity, 24 hours a day, can cremate 25 dead.

2020-03-19 17:14:28 UTC  

Wtf that's like nothing.

2020-03-19 18:29:52 UTC  

It's worse then flu for sure but I wouldn't consider it a world ending scenario. Destabilization will occur that is certain. We already see it unraveling but Chinese were able to put it under control. Same will happen here but it will take far longer and will have much more severe consequences.

2020-03-19 18:33:44 UTC  

I don't know about Italian government but Finland is going to be considerably worse because of their bat shit insane feminist government. If rural communities in there self isolate they have a shot at waiting out the peak but other then that they look like another Italy in the making.

2020-03-19 18:36:06 UTC  

Tl;dr - the worst is still to come but it isn't the world's end.

2020-03-19 18:38:35 UTC  

the thing about the spanish flu was that it came in several waves and it decimated virtually all classes of people. i am afraid WUFLU will be the same. what if this virus wipes out 1/3 of global population. 2.5 billion ppl its going to be chaos