Message from @21ooAB

Discord ID: 678007396190388244

2020-02-14 22:32:40 UTC  

I'm not saying specifically inter war policies (entire foreign diplomatic relations with most neighbors were a shit show back then). I'm talking their general attitude through out the ages.

2020-02-14 22:33:23 UTC  

yeah but ukops are worse

2020-02-14 22:34:26 UTC  

it's discount russia which is itself discount byzantium

2020-02-14 22:34:28 UTC  

The petty-rus should be partitioned between the Poles and Rumanians, and the Russians, along the Dniepr

2020-02-14 22:34:34 UTC  

They don't want to have anything to do with us so I don't want to have anything to do with them either. Simple.

2020-02-14 22:34:50 UTC  

Let them do their own thing.

2020-02-14 22:35:12 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:35:39 UTC  

You assume we're not gonna get in the action

2020-02-14 22:35:57 UTC  

ahem, Transcarpathia

2020-02-14 22:36:17 UTC  

you are better off taking romanian lands

2020-02-14 22:36:24 UTC  

Hungarians reclaiming Ezelköt or whatsitcalled

2020-02-14 22:36:25 UTC  

They wanted to be independent. Let them be.

2020-02-14 22:36:38 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:36:47 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:36:51 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:37:03 UTC  

they can have a rump state

2020-02-14 22:37:18 UTC  

but they are parts of russia, always were and always will be. lets not even metnion the Kievan Rus'

2020-02-14 22:37:23 UTC  

I just want my Transcarpathia back tbh

2020-02-14 22:39:20 UTC  

Missisippi is forming a southern state defense compact

2020-02-14 22:39:33 UTC  

This sets precedent for secession

2020-02-14 22:39:44 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:39:49 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:40:01 UTC  

I treat nation states like people

2020-02-14 22:40:05 UTC  

And I am content with what we currently have. All I want is the good relations with ex Commonwealth nations.

2020-02-14 22:40:06 UTC  

The US is old

2020-02-14 22:40:17 UTC  

Has an identity that cannot be reinvented

2020-02-14 22:40:18 UTC  

And other neighbors

2020-02-14 22:40:30 UTC  

Reform on the fundamental level is near impossible

2020-02-14 22:40:46 UTC  

A new Nation state doesn’t have that to nearly the same degree

2020-02-14 22:40:53 UTC  

It presents opportunity

2020-02-14 22:41:17 UTC  

i agree there

2020-02-14 22:42:11 UTC  

Perhaps if an explicitly right leaning nation with the south, rust belt and great plains could be influenced by us

2020-02-14 22:42:23 UTC  

There would be vacancies in all key positions

2020-02-14 22:42:42 UTC  

Perfect opportunity in more ways than one

2020-02-14 22:59:30 UTC  

If it were like that I'd put up with it for a while
But in the longterm the territorial situation is unacceptable regardless

2020-02-14 22:59:49 UTC  

Turkey is far from low hanging fruit though

2020-02-14 23:13:46 UTC  

A Greece controlling the coast both sides of the Aegean is a major goal for my lifetime

2020-02-14 23:14:19 UTC  

I'll be sorely disappointed if the kebabs retain it

2020-02-14 23:17:46 UTC  

Idc about Italy controlling majority Turk areas tbh