Message from @21ooAB

Discord ID: 678007786478764033

2020-02-14 22:36:25 UTC  

They wanted to be independent. Let them be.

2020-02-14 22:36:38 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:36:47 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:36:51 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:37:03 UTC  

they can have a rump state

2020-02-14 22:37:18 UTC  

but they are parts of russia, always were and always will be. lets not even metnion the Kievan Rus'

2020-02-14 22:37:23 UTC  

I just want my Transcarpathia back tbh

2020-02-14 22:39:20 UTC  

Missisippi is forming a southern state defense compact

2020-02-14 22:39:33 UTC  

This sets precedent for secession

2020-02-14 22:39:44 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:39:49 UTC  


2020-02-14 22:40:01 UTC  

I treat nation states like people

2020-02-14 22:40:05 UTC  

And I am content with what we currently have. All I want is the good relations with ex Commonwealth nations.

2020-02-14 22:40:06 UTC  

The US is old

2020-02-14 22:40:17 UTC  

Has an identity that cannot be reinvented

2020-02-14 22:40:18 UTC  

And other neighbors

2020-02-14 22:40:30 UTC  

Reform on the fundamental level is near impossible

2020-02-14 22:40:46 UTC  

A new Nation state doesn’t have that to nearly the same degree

2020-02-14 22:40:53 UTC  

It presents opportunity

2020-02-14 22:41:17 UTC  

i agree there

2020-02-14 22:42:11 UTC  

Perhaps if an explicitly right leaning nation with the south, rust belt and great plains could be influenced by us

2020-02-14 22:42:23 UTC  

There would be vacancies in all key positions

2020-02-14 22:42:42 UTC  

Perfect opportunity in more ways than one

2020-02-14 22:59:30 UTC  

If it were like that I'd put up with it for a while
But in the longterm the territorial situation is unacceptable regardless

2020-02-14 22:59:49 UTC  

Turkey is far from low hanging fruit though

2020-02-14 23:13:46 UTC  

A Greece controlling the coast both sides of the Aegean is a major goal for my lifetime

2020-02-14 23:14:19 UTC  

I'll be sorely disappointed if the kebabs retain it

2020-02-14 23:17:46 UTC  

Idc about Italy controlling majority Turk areas tbh

2020-02-14 23:19:01 UTC  

Either way it makes sense to put the coastlines under Greek jurisdiction, the rest being more of a colony

2020-02-14 23:20:31 UTC  

Greece would have a hard time holding on to all of Anatolia so the colony should be some jointly governed kind of thing

2020-02-14 23:24:30 UTC  

Afaik before the population exchange there was an idea floating around about making another Greek state for Pontic Greeks

2020-02-14 23:34:23 UTC  

there should be a state for Pontic Greeks. They are basically grekophone caucasus natives

2020-02-14 23:49:48 UTC  

The Megali Idea implied the goal of reviving the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire, by establishing a Greek state, which would be, as ancient geographer Strabo wrote, a Greek world encompassing mostly the former Byzantine lands from the Ionian Sea to the west, to Asia Minor and the Black Sea to the east and from Thrace, Macedonia and Epirus to the north, to Crete and Cyprus to the south. This new state would have Constantinople as its capital: it would be the "Greece of Two Continents and Five Seas" (Europe and Asia, the Ionian, Aegean, Marmara, Black and Libyan Seas, respectively).

2020-02-14 23:53:34 UTC  

who made that map? why do tsakonian take up that much land?

2020-02-14 23:53:53 UTC  

because it is a doric derivative?

2020-02-14 23:55:39 UTC  


2020-02-14 23:56:59 UTC  

Because it is Doric derived.

2020-02-14 23:57:16 UTC  

Also I made it.

2020-02-14 23:58:31 UTC  

cool, are u Greek?