Message from @Slav
Discord ID: 260950655638831104
hey ona-modem
have one
isn't she a bodybuilder?
yeah - discord virgin
in that case
no i am not a bodybuilder sheesh
aw fuck there is no emoji for dick
we're all in the General voice channel
isn't like the
fucken... vegetable
i forget the name
that is the dick emoji
🍆 nice one pill
are you actually on a modem, @ona-modem ?
is that why youre not getting into voice
he is on dialup
''Christian,Pro-Israel'' is the most cancerous bio I've ever seen
what goddamn cucks
''i'm a christian zionist''
yeah am on a modem, and i connect telepathically
you forgot to insert "1A,2A" pill
that too
basically the average alex jones viewer
If I was American I'd seriously consider tatooing "I dont give a shit about Israel" on my forehead os something
pill these faggot zionists think they can name the tribe of jew the came from, because they believe they are descendents of the israelites, but they can't tell you which european country they come from
i like alex jones but only when he's screaming
I am cheering for Hezbollah tbh, Shia muzzies never did my people no harm
so idc