Message from @AnthonyLaCosaNostra

Discord ID: 484815596748406785

2018-08-30 18:14:37 UTC  

I can't cry foul of a boycott of those businesses by those who hold those positions.

2018-08-30 18:15:46 UTC  

I've got a good case study on this.

2018-08-30 18:15:55 UTC  

Let's take the Chick-Fil-A controversy a few years back.

2018-08-30 18:16:34 UTC  

It comes out that Truett donates his own money to certain organizations.

2018-08-30 18:17:17 UTC  

Those organizations are in whatever way in opposition to LGBT matters.

2018-08-30 18:17:49 UTC  

I think it's misguided to attribute that to every franchise everywhere, or even to the corporation.

2018-08-30 18:17:57 UTC  

But whatever. Boycott if you like.

2018-08-30 18:18:35 UTC  

I think stuff like this crosses the line out of boycott and into something else...

2018-08-30 18:19:07 UTC  

Being vocal, trying to convince others to stand with you in not giving this company money, that's one thing entirely. Boycotts are fine. Buycotts are fine.

2018-08-30 18:19:51 UTC  

But being disruptive and abusive in an attempt to damage a business and/or it's employees is a line I wouldn't cross.

2018-08-30 19:59:01 UTC  

Am i a complete nut? This is my opinion. I dont hold very much weight in it but here goes: The 1% republicans have staged a coup that inflitrated the Democrats, they spread these crazy ideals to them all about trannies, muslims. Illegal immigration, and the economy. The Democrats fell for it and took the bait. They started preaching this shit on the regular. They call anyone who opposes them as "fascist". To the point it is sickening. Everyone hates these faggots with purple hair as they chant abolish borders and abolish profit. Everyone starts using the term fascist or misrepresentating fascism. To the point that people actually think fascism, or modern fascism is acceptable. Then the 1%er Republicans move in fast, easily winning 2016 presidency and soon the 2018 midterms. Wide spread laws are passed easily that pertain to the economy and immigration reform. After losing in 2020 and again in 2022 the Democrats resort to acts of violence, bombing civic buildings, public executions etc. Then...... the real fascism laws are introduced. Theyve cried wolf, (fascism) too many times before and nobody takes anyone seriously by 2023 when the word is said.

2018-08-30 20:00:20 UTC  

Am i a complete nut? This is my opinion. I dont hold very much weight in it but here goes: The 1% republicans have staged a coup that inflitrated the Democrats, they spread these crazy ideals to them all about trannies, muslims. Illegal immigration, and the economy. The Democrats fell for it and took the bait. They started preaching this shit on the regular. They call anyone who opposes them as "fascist". To the point it is sickening. Everyone hates these faggots with purple hair as they chant abolish borders and abolish profit. Everyone starts using the term fascist or misrepresentating fascism. To the point that people actually think fascism, or modern fascism is acceptable. Then the 1%er Republicans move in fast, easily winning 2016 presidency and soon the 2018 midterms. Wide spread laws are passed easily that pertain to the economy and immigration reform.

2018-08-30 20:00:42 UTC  

Yes you're a complete nut.

2018-08-30 20:00:58 UTC  

1% does not imply republican.

2018-08-30 20:01:08 UTC  

Plenty of mega-rich support the democrats.

2018-08-30 20:01:25 UTC  

Oi i tried cutting it up but it keeps being too long

2018-08-30 20:01:41 UTC  

And no coup has taken place. This lurch to the far left has been happening for years and years.

2018-08-30 20:02:43 UTC  

Has it though? Ive never been cool with muslims and i was always a leftist

2018-08-30 20:03:16 UTC  

Yes. I went to university in the early 2000s and it was happening then.

2018-08-30 20:03:40 UTC  

"Islamiphobia" has been part of the discussion since the Bush years, yeah

2018-08-30 20:04:05 UTC  

I hate christians as much muslims though lol

2018-08-30 20:04:11 UTC  

It has just gotten steadily worse over time as 1970s far leftists moved up the hierarchy in universities and trained their replacements to be even further left than they are.

2018-08-30 20:04:29 UTC  

Then theyre just doomed to fail.

2018-08-30 20:04:30 UTC  

Now it's almost assembly line.

2018-08-30 20:05:02 UTC  

Good riddance. Maybe im waking up to the political climate we live in

2018-08-30 20:05:23 UTC  

Wait if im woke ill go broke....... fuck

2018-08-30 20:05:44 UTC  

Alexa play pewdiepies latest video

2018-08-30 20:05:57 UTC  

In Berkeley they literally scout junior high schools for candidates for the left-wing indoctrination track. Get them into lefty volunteer organizations, give them scholarships, set them up with mentors in UCLA, and either put them on an education degree track or a law degree track.

2018-08-30 20:06:57 UTC  

From their teenage years to being given a position in a faculty or a law firm.

2018-08-30 20:07:47 UTC  

There's absolutely no way there could possibly be a coup by right-wingers.

2018-08-30 20:08:34 UTC  

The batshit intersectional social justice nonsense is not some trick or ploy by the right. It's part of the overall strategy of the far left.

2018-08-30 20:09:23 UTC  

They need some group to replace the downtrodden industrial proletariat, so they're manufacturing one.

2018-08-30 20:10:51 UTC  

Sleeper agents :^)

2018-08-30 20:11:01 UTC  

The manchurian lefty

2018-09-01 00:50:18 UTC  

Just wanna spew some mumblings into the ether for consideration. If we take the stance of "It is better that ten innocent men suffer than one guilty man escape" can't we then propagate that where most law enforcement happens for everyday people?

The police. Would it be right for the cops to apprehend you for a traffic violation? Would it be right for cops to shoot first and ask questions later? Afterall, better ten jailed/dead criminals than one innocent free/alive.

Was just thinking of this because of Tim's video;

Ten criminals jailed sounds good until you extrapolate what that kind of system would look like in built on that foundation. Most people in society are innocent, just folk trying to get by and enjoy their life the best they can.

2018-09-01 00:51:57 UTC  

I'll take this one up, @Ashers

2018-09-01 00:52:07 UTC  

Are you in the States?

2018-09-01 00:52:15 UTC  


2018-09-01 00:52:34 UTC  

Mm, so there might be a disconnect in describing our justice system.

2018-09-01 00:53:07 UTC  

Hmm? Wait, what did you get from my ramblings? o.O

2018-09-01 00:53:28 UTC  

I'm of the mind of **Innocent until proven Guilty**