Message from @CreativeRealms

Discord ID: 492766322669780993

2018-09-21 02:47:28 UTC  

nobody says it maps perfectly to potential ability

2018-09-21 02:47:37 UTC  

highest number I've ever seen is like 86%

2018-09-21 02:48:03 UTC  

Look up studies on twins separated at birth.

2018-09-21 02:48:09 UTC  

That should give you some indication.

2018-09-21 02:48:45 UTC  

those are just case studies. There's larger studies with more data that still point towards considerable influence from gentics

2018-09-21 02:50:03 UTC  

Of course they're going to be case studies. I don't see there being a sudden upswell in the separated-at-birth-twins-who-subsequently-participate-in-IQ-studies numbers. 😄

2018-09-21 02:50:37 UTC  

Nevertheless, if there's enough of them you can see some potential indications.

2018-09-21 03:00:57 UTC  

right I'm just saying there's no sense in looking at less conclusive data

2018-09-21 03:25:14 UTC  

We need a study where one kid ends up in a jewish household and the other ends up in africa lol

2018-09-21 03:33:43 UTC  


2018-09-21 06:46:01 UTC  


2018-09-21 06:46:12 UTC  

im late

2018-09-21 06:46:19 UTC  

but the comment about the alt right being against corbyn, isnt true

2018-09-21 06:46:40 UTC  

I remember reading an article from the daily stormer about them supporting corbyn

2018-09-21 06:46:57 UTC  

via a thread on /pol/

2018-09-21 06:47:31 UTC  

because he was the only one who was actually anti israel

2018-09-21 06:48:29 UTC  

and comments like "corbyn is /ourguy/"

2018-09-21 07:03:55 UTC  

Could that be ironic like when they were all like Heil PewDiePie

2018-09-21 07:37:02 UTC  

Well Nick Gryphon (former BNP leader before they got destroyed on question time in 2011) is quite the Corbyn supporter

2018-09-21 07:39:30 UTC  

Just remember that the Labour Party is full of controversial figures, when your head of equalities states that young girls need to keep their mouth shut about being raped for the sake of diversity it makes you wonder

2018-09-21 18:37:26 UTC  

I have a weird idea which might be really good but also has potential downsides. What if every time people had to pay taxes they could allocate them to things they felt were important? It would force the government to act like a business by becoming less wasteful (because they don’t know how much money they’d get as its dynamic) and do a better job to entice people to pay for their specific service. If part of the government isn’t doing a good job then people don’t allocate money to them and they stop that program.

2018-09-21 18:40:02 UTC  

isn't that essentially privatization?

2018-09-21 18:42:10 UTC  

It’s not privately owned so not really.

2018-09-21 18:44:39 UTC  

Anyways I came up with the idea because of PP funding. If people are against it they should just be allowed to not pay taxes towards it and allocate them elsewhere. If it can’t survive on public funding then it will close or need to be privately funded.

2018-09-21 18:45:05 UTC  

You would get excessive fund allocation to feel good expenses like lgbt parade while starving tax dollars toward boring things like roads.

2018-09-21 18:46:59 UTC  

Yes that is a potential downside.

2018-09-21 18:47:33 UTC  

Lots of people are pretty bad with money.

2018-09-21 18:48:17 UTC  

It could also be structured that you only get to use what you pay into.

2018-09-21 18:49:02 UTC  

To prevent people from wasting money on wants instead of needs.

2018-09-21 18:50:49 UTC  

Plus planned parenthood isn't a government institution.

2018-09-21 18:51:42 UTC  

If planned parenthood is to exist as an institution, it should stand on it's own.

2018-09-21 18:51:48 UTC  

They get taxpayer money though.

2018-09-21 18:51:57 UTC  


2018-09-21 18:52:35 UTC  

Imagine if the NRA got a taxpayer money kickback.

2018-09-21 18:52:43 UTC  

And I agree. Same with sports. They should be able to survive on their own without taxpayer money.

2018-09-21 18:52:52 UTC  


2018-09-21 18:54:04 UTC  

Stadiums shouldn't be allowed to filch a local government of money for a stadium

2018-09-21 18:54:14 UTC  

Or for an Amazon headquarters

2018-09-21 19:01:38 UTC  

Your allocation proposal has the problem of free riders. How do you refuse to defend people in the country from foreign powers? we're either defending the country or we're not

2018-09-21 19:02:43 UTC  

I don't think wealthy industrialists are going to voluntarily fund the welfare state

2018-09-21 19:03:54 UTC  

At best you can convince them "a rising tide lifts all boats", and its hard to make that case when your country has weak borders