Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 506959333485969436

2018-10-30 22:12:55 UTC  

Send them @Grenade123 I pop smoke at the socialist nests

2018-10-30 22:14:21 UTC  

@CallMeBlondie if you want something really weird.

I've never met anyone who's driven one. But it sure seems odd.

2018-10-30 22:15:12 UTC  

Oh my lord! I would be so confused! And so would all the old people

2018-10-30 22:15:27 UTC  

Not that Iā€™m one of the old people

2018-10-30 22:15:40 UTC  

Nice, we just got one of those in my town, a Michigan Left

2018-10-30 22:17:26 UTC  

@pratel it's not that weird. Designers just figured it was a better idea to have everyone at a traffic light either be stopped or going, rather than have a line of traffic stopped dead in one lane while the two lands next to it pass by at like 50 mph

2018-10-30 22:17:41 UTC  

Sure. But it's a rather confusing way to make a left.

2018-10-30 22:18:00 UTC  

Not really, it's like taking a left from a highway

2018-10-30 22:18:13 UTC  

You have to get off at your exit

2018-10-30 22:18:18 UTC  

Also, @CallMeBlondie Forgot to give you the link for the jughandle.

2018-10-30 22:19:31 UTC  

Thank you! I donā€™t even want to tell you what I thought it was.

2018-10-30 22:20:13 UTC  

Iā€™m sure once you drive these new exits or whatever they are... theyā€™re much easier than explaining them on Wikipedia

2018-10-30 22:21:29 UTC  

The Michigan left seems to be for people who missed their turn. Or maybe it works better for trucks

2018-10-30 22:22:06 UTC  

I definitely donā€™t drive a truck

2018-10-30 22:22:58 UTC  

The jug handle is just like exiting a freeway or motorway, and its also great if you are confused with the area and don't know if you are taking a left or right up ahead. You can be in the right hand lane and go either way.

2018-10-30 22:23:40 UTC  

Roundabouts work when people know how to use them, but it required paying attention so people don't.

2018-10-30 22:24:57 UTC  

I dunno, you can circle the drain for a couple hours and you'll figure it out eventually.

2018-10-30 22:25:27 UTC  

What I find most perplexing is the new uncontrolled intersections.

2018-10-30 22:27:19 UTC  

Thank you @Grenade123

2018-10-30 22:28:00 UTC  

Now imagine explaining that in a script on tv. Not very easy

2018-10-30 22:35:23 UTC  

@pratel think the idea is that people focus more on driving than on things off the road or right in front of them. Also general those intersections are using psychology to make you drive slower

2018-10-30 22:35:33 UTC  

Like pillars right against the edges

2018-10-30 22:45:04 UTC  

I would never suggest that what works in another country would work here in the US totally unchanged

2018-10-30 22:45:22 UTC  

But it does provide useful data that can guide rational decision making

2018-10-30 23:02:52 UTC  

Since this is a debate, help me with this...
Is it right for politicians to act as doctors? For example, the ā€œopioid epidemicā€ Politicians say everyone who takes pain meds will become addicts, overdose and die. To solve the problem theyā€™ve enacted legislation thatā€™s actually hurting responsible pain patients... veterans/cancer patients/chronic pain patients... by cutting off their access to pain meds, which, in turn has forced record numbers of them to turn to suicide.

2018-10-30 23:04:46 UTC  

Yes, it is right for politicians to regulate the legality and use of medical compounds.

2018-10-30 23:08:18 UTC  

True, but by saving lives their actually hurting lives... right?

2018-10-30 23:09:19 UTC  

Iā€™m not saying they shouldnā€™t regulate. I just donā€™t think the politicians should cut off all access

2018-10-30 23:15:36 UTC  

At a national level, politics is a calculation of human lives. We could talk about whether they're causing more harm than good, but the fact that the legislation causes people any amount of suffering isn't a refutation of the act by itself.

2018-10-30 23:16:01 UTC  

But yes, a total cutoff is probably not the best decision.

2018-10-30 23:18:28 UTC  

So how do I get this message to politicians?

2018-10-30 23:20:35 UTC  

Sending them messages, but they mostly ignore those.

2018-10-30 23:20:43 UTC  

You can stage a protest, but it probably won't be big enough.

2018-10-30 23:20:57 UTC  

You could strike out violently, but then you'd be dismissed as a loonie.

2018-10-30 23:20:58 UTC  

And thank you for answering my question. A large part of the reason I signed up here was because Tim seems like a decent guy who actually cares

2018-10-30 23:21:10 UTC  

Iā€™m not violent at all

2018-10-30 23:21:21 UTC  

Iā€™m not the protest type either

2018-10-30 23:21:23 UTC  

Oh, the opioid debate

2018-10-30 23:21:27 UTC  

Tim really does seem to be doing his best to understand issues, and he gets a lot of respect from me for that, even when I think he's wrong.

2018-10-30 23:21:40 UTC  

As a medical provider I think we've swung too far the other way now

2018-10-30 23:22:21 UTC  

I also am 10th Amendment Cat for a reason. Regulation of professions is not enumerated in the Constitution and therefore authority to regulate it resides with the states and not the federal gov't.