Message from @tritrium
Discord ID: 507258519989387285
I mean infrastructure as in servers, software, cable, ISP's, etc
financial processors
is the infrastructure private property
that depends on where you are
if its is it would be inconsistent to regulate it
if not now its more confusing because government shouldnt own property
Im not in favor of government owned stuff or that
ive just seen 30 years of that BS ending with widespread corruption and monopolies
thats because of government
But there is a problem when you have datacenters, which are used by everyone
no its not
its private property so it should be protected by its rights
no matter how big the market is just placing a value
it would be inconsistent to use force on it
Well these are effectively making it impossible for competition to form.
any monopoly in history has failed except by state
im not doubting that
just let the market value things
stop trying to violate ones rights
thats bad
im not a statist
government should only use force when rights are being violated
it should protect not infringe
And i am saying that datacenters/software devs running them/payment processors
Are effectively cutting people off the internet
by blocking them in traffic itself
but thats not what sargons saying and as long as governments not involved im fine with that
hes not
but thats what im saying, im saying dont bother with the social media platforms
well I agree
it doesnt matter how censorious they get, people are already leaving them over it anyway
yes its the market speaking
But what is a problem is that said competition is getting cut off at the floor
sure and we need to stop government
ISP's cant do this btw
they cant arbitrarily cut your line because you have unpopular views
But at the datacenter, a software dev like microsoft for example, can just say "we dont want you using your software"
I mean its not the best example because there are alternatives