Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 507959907627302924

2018-11-02 16:45:48 UTC  

hey, Discovery channel and History channel used to pretty good, so not all TV is brain rot

2018-11-02 16:45:50 UTC  

I'm not a conservative

2018-11-02 16:45:57 UTC  

now you have science channel

2018-11-02 16:46:05 UTC  

thats about it

2018-11-02 16:46:08 UTC  

Look at general

2018-11-02 16:46:31 UTC  

You seem like a classical liberal in training, but still

2018-11-02 16:47:02 UTC  

I posted my political compass test

2018-11-02 16:47:10 UTC  

damn slow mo

2018-11-02 16:47:13 UTC  

I'm a centrist

2018-11-02 16:47:58 UTC  

You're literally 2 notches left of me.

2018-11-02 16:48:22 UTC  

The test is also inherently flawed in a way as well

2018-11-02 16:49:10 UTC  

I mean nothing's perfect

2018-11-02 16:49:28 UTC  

Operating with principles often means suspending what you consider ideal in favor of what is right.

2018-11-02 16:49:56 UTC  

I'm opposed to abortion, for instance

2018-11-02 16:49:58 UTC  

Yes, principles are above what you want to do

2018-11-02 16:50:14 UTC  

But I also acknowledge that government shouldn't be in control of it.

2018-11-02 16:50:23 UTC  

Whether we can or can't

2018-11-02 16:50:50 UTC  

That's a massive right to sign away to government.

2018-11-02 16:51:04 UTC  

I'm heading out

2018-11-02 16:51:14 UTC  

Gonna go brain rot on netflix

2018-11-02 16:51:19 UTC  

It's far far FAR more important to address the cultural side of the question.

2018-11-02 16:51:40 UTC  


2018-11-02 17:20:45 UTC  

It'll be a while before I can really participate but first off, can we agree first that abortion should be permitted if the mother's life is in danger? I want to get that out of the way first because if we can't then I'm a murderer for purposes of discussion and that would certainly change my perspective on the debate.

2018-11-02 17:21:35 UTC  

My personal ethics permit me to perform abortion for ectopic pregnancy.

2018-11-02 17:21:48 UTC  

And I have done so.

2018-11-02 17:24:36 UTC  

i don't think it was ever really in question. And i don't think there was any argument about its legality. It was more around the moral side. Which for life threatening situations should be an easy call. Either 1 dies or they both die. The main focus was on at what point should a clump of cells be considered worth of full human rights

2018-11-02 17:25:33 UTC  

for once it is worthy of full human rights, then usually the right to life trumps most others (Within reason)

2018-11-02 17:25:43 UTC  
2018-11-02 17:29:18 UTC  

First off, @DrYuriMom, I think that yes, there are matters of life or liberty which justify abortion.

2018-11-02 17:29:43 UTC  

Those being rape or a threat to the mother's life.

2018-11-02 17:31:05 UTC  

Those would be matters to be considered medical.

2018-11-02 17:33:19 UTC  

hmm, i wonder, in the case of rape where a female is the rapist, does that mean the male can choose to have it aborted?

2018-11-02 17:33:57 UTC  

In those cases the male should not be financially responsible for the kid...

2018-11-02 17:34:53 UTC  

obviously, the concept of financial abortion.

2018-11-02 17:35:14 UTC  

but technically, minus medical costs, a female could to

2018-11-02 17:35:40 UTC  

I've seen courts rule some fucked up rulings.

2018-11-02 17:35:47 UTC  

me too

2018-11-02 17:36:01 UTC  

but this is not about current settings

2018-11-02 17:36:59 UTC  

but think about it: if you have something you consider life, when its one direction (male raping a female), we give the victim the option to kill it. But when going in the other direction (female raping a male) we don't.

2018-11-02 17:37:30 UTC  

It's still life.