Message from @Dvir

Discord ID: 512831446868688907

2018-11-16 03:07:46 UTC  

Because they fundamentally are at odds with the idea they are pushed away from structured religion into agnosticism or atheism.

2018-11-16 03:08:46 UTC  

Do you believe in absolute morality or relative morality?

2018-11-16 03:09:29 UTC  

I believe a society must have an absolute morality for themselves, and that some absolute moralities are better than others.

2018-11-16 03:10:25 UTC  

With the idea of an absolute morality being often connected to a religion.

2018-11-16 03:13:02 UTC  

Also because there is no tangible afterlife I believe that makes it more important that we try to preserve the memory and "spirit" of those who have passed. With my idea of Yeshua Christ being a representation of a person's consciousness dying but their spirit transcending to an omnipresent plane to those who believe in him and continue to do so.

2018-11-16 03:13:33 UTC  

Essentially, "If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

2018-11-16 03:15:21 UTC  

It was realizations like these that allowed me to let go of my agnosticism and move back into religion, in my case it quite literally being gnosticism.

2018-11-16 03:15:56 UTC  

So it seems you believe in an afterlife for the spirit but not for the consciousness of what we consider to be ourselves? As in, my conciousness will not progress after death but a non-sensory part of me could be able to?

2018-11-16 03:16:53 UTC  

Yes, and the more you leave in impact in your life the greater your spirit will be, for better or for worse.

2018-11-16 03:17:53 UTC  

And while the details of your actions might be lost to time or forgotten, and its presence may wean, it will never truly leave.

2018-11-16 03:18:02 UTC  

If the spirit is seperate from conciousness what do you see being the purpose of that higher plane?

2018-11-16 03:19:05 UTC  

The higher plane is the greater consciousness from which we are imbued with spirit and sentience.

2018-11-16 03:19:35 UTC  

When we die our consciousness returns back to this "hypostatic" dimension. In the case of gnosticism these are called the Aeons.

2018-11-16 03:19:55 UTC  

Akin to Buddhism in many ways

2018-11-16 03:21:19 UTC  

Would the spirit of all people return there, then? Is that collective of spirt and sentience limited? Where those that don't return are completely removed?

2018-11-16 03:23:39 UTC  

It is not limited since it is unquantifiable, and in some cases people can lose much of their spirit before they even die. I believe that there are certain entropic actions that degrade and ultimately detach your spirit from yourself.

2018-11-16 03:24:26 UTC  

One could argue psychopaths are humans without a spirit, or one who have lost theirs.

2018-11-16 03:25:00 UTC  

What actions do you view as being able to seperate a person from their spirit?

2018-11-16 03:26:04 UTC  

Mostly ones that would align with Western morality. Rape, murder, torture, as well as acts that might not cause harm to others but debilitate yourself, such as addiction and self harm.

2018-11-16 03:28:16 UTC  

Also every living creature has a spirit to a certain extent with humans being the ones possessing the greatest of spirits, with other animals with sophisticated minds being below us.

2018-11-16 03:29:04 UTC  

It isn't wrong to kill and eat other animals so long as the animal is raised and butchered with respect.

2018-11-16 03:29:27 UTC  

But still I personally am a pescatarian, refraining from eating any form of meat but fish.

2018-11-16 03:32:18 UTC  

I also do not believe God created the Universe, rather the Universe was the inevitable result of the existence of God. With God being the totality of existence and energy coming into contact with entropic void. The Universe is the result of these paradigm forces coming together.

2018-11-16 03:32:46 UTC  

Would that mean that the spirits of all living creatures are capable of transcending back to the higher plane? Would each type or mental strata of living creature have distinct Aeons to return to?

2018-11-16 03:34:49 UTC  

I don't necessarily believe that a spirit transcends from one plane to another, it is more so that we have a spirit and that spirit exists on a higher plane. One could say that transcendence occurs when one is able to perfectly align their soul (their conscious mind) with their spirit which can be seen as your subconscious in a sense.

2018-11-16 03:36:47 UTC  

But aspects of our Spirit can be envisioned through the multitude of Aeons. The Aeons are not necessarily distinct realms as much as conceptual spheres.

2018-11-16 03:38:04 UTC  

Different Gnostic denominations had their own forms of Aeons, perhaps the most intricate one being made by the Valentinians.

2018-11-16 03:39:22 UTC  

With the Aeons being different emanations of God with the highest Aeon being the Monad, the all-encompassing Aeon in which all others reside.

2018-11-16 03:41:28 UTC  

One could imagine each animal's spirit residing in an Aeon of their own that represents the nature of such an animal.

2018-11-16 03:43:27 UTC  

What makes Humans distinct is their ability to craft their own nature from the numerous Aeons.

2018-11-16 03:44:54 UTC  

How do you view other interpertations? Religions that state that there is an afterlife or that there is reincarnation? Do you see them as lying or lacking information? Where do you see them as going astray in their interpertation?

2018-11-16 03:47:58 UTC  

I see nothing wrong with different interpretations, I am more concerned about the morals and principles upheld by the religion.

2018-11-16 03:49:32 UTC  

I would not say that they are lying because that would presume that they do not believe what they are saying, which in most cases I believe to not be true. If that interpretation of religion allows someone to justifiably adhere to it and believe in it as long as the religion is an amicable one.

2018-11-16 03:50:25 UTC  

I would probably argue that my view is more valid than theirs, but in many ways I understand it is ultimately a matter of perspective.

2018-11-16 03:52:10 UTC  

I say arguably because it would depend on how the religion incorporates afterlives or reincarnation. With me personally finding the Abrahamic form of afterlife to be indeed lacking, while I believe Buddhism has incorporated the idea of reincarnation into their religion in what I would consider a "correct" way.

2018-11-16 03:58:41 UTC  

Can you think of anything that would change your opinion on that matter? Anything that, if it were to happen, you would alter your views?

2018-11-16 04:17:48 UTC  

I can't personally think of anything that could, but I am always willing to change my views when presented with new information.

2018-11-16 04:47:02 UTC  

Thank you very much. You shared a lot of interesting information on those topics.

2018-11-16 04:47:23 UTC  


2018-11-16 04:47:28 UTC  

Are p cool

2018-11-16 11:56:01 UTC  

seafoam is the ocean ejaculating, change my mind.