Message from @GoldenPhoenix

Discord ID: 524700961290321930

2018-12-18 21:25:23 UTC  

the invisible hand of the market may seem like a joke, but that's because we've let monopolies and oligopolies rise up, giving credence to the left's ideologies

2018-12-18 21:25:39 UTC  

the less competition, the less powerful "the hand of god"

2018-12-18 21:25:39 UTC  

The left hurts your image but the right hurts your pockets.

2018-12-18 21:26:32 UTC  

So then would government intervention into the markets be a good thing? Or would the right have to "rise up" to the level that would hurt these monopolies and oligopolies?

2018-12-18 21:26:37 UTC  

the left hurts those it claims to protect by patronizing and belittling them, the right doesn't care about anyone, so you can do what you want

2018-12-18 21:28:09 UTC  

On an individual level it would take immense pressure from a huge base in order to put a dent into these companies. All the while they will become more echo chambers of leftist ideologies. While government intervention would be faster, but in turn it is the government. So we know how that turns out.

2018-12-18 21:28:09 UTC  

I propose we 1. let government sponsored companies die and stop bailing them out, 2. federalize or locally legitimize utilities to be a basic right to humans rather than something passed around by large corporations under the pretense of competition, and 3. prevent unnecessary monopolization of goods

2018-12-18 21:28:34 UTC  

Depends on the kind of intervention. Breaking up monopolies and guaranteeing freedom of speech is good but besides that I don't like the government in businesses.

2018-12-18 21:28:53 UTC  

also, the government shouldn't be allowed to act like a business

2018-12-18 21:29:23 UTC  

So we need people in the government with these types of ideals. Are republicans the answer, or just part of the problem?

2018-12-18 21:30:01 UTC  

Will there be a rise of a third party or even a fourth party as long as both sides remain ignorant for the most part and continue to vote party based?

2018-12-18 21:30:18 UTC  

parties are the problem, we need to move to a runoff system of voting that will undermine the US 2 party system and give voice to ideas beyond the two parties that have become so centralized they barely have differences

2018-12-18 21:30:25 UTC  

Establishment republicans are part of the problem.

2018-12-18 21:30:52 UTC  

Basically we need more millenial republicans then?

2018-12-18 21:30:57 UTC  

I sound like a fucking commie but this is the good parts of their rhetoric

2018-12-18 21:31:19 UTC  

we need fewer "republicans" and fewer "democrats" and more "americans"

2018-12-18 21:31:48 UTC  

Well communists will say that but also ask for a single party system while you are advocating for more than just 2. So i wouldnt think too much about being a communist.

2018-12-18 21:32:34 UTC  

Agreed, but is the millenial wave of republicans more "American" than those republiucans that are sitting in congress and the senate right now?

2018-12-18 21:32:54 UTC  

runoff voting would eliminate strategic voting and result in much closer races, along with races that can include closer to 5 parties. We also need final voting to be non-partisan, meaning that the end result could in theory be 2 democrats or 2 republicans, making each candidate more unique since they're racing against their fellow party members, not just the other parties

2018-12-18 21:32:57 UTC  

I identify myself as an American, a Veteran, a Dreadnaught, and an Asshole.

2018-12-18 21:34:17 UTC  

this would shift the idea of "Parties" from a legitimized system of governmental division to an ideological divide, making it a descriptor rather than a slot to fill on the ballot

2018-12-18 21:35:22 UTC  

Until this happens, republicans and democrats can safely hide behind their parties instead of thinking for themselves, and once this occurs, our representatives will then be responsible for their own decisions, not just their party affiliation

2018-12-18 21:37:01 UTC  

(I have a whole plan [says the libertarian who doesn't like government intervention], and I can talk about it all day)

2018-12-18 21:37:24 UTC  

Basically abolish the RNC and DNC from endorsing someone for president or state officials and make races more competative in terms of ideologies by having 2 people from the same party with differences within that party run against each other. Effectivley elliminating the 2 candidate system and replacing it with a 4 candidate system. How would that pan out with the electoral college system we have in place?

2018-12-18 21:37:43 UTC  


2018-12-18 21:38:04 UTC  

let me re-explain, once mr mee6 lets me

2018-12-18 21:43:55 UTC  

Parties are fine as a way of uniting people of similar ideas. My problem is that our system endorses parties in a way that makes for high cost of entry of any new parties. The system I propose would work as follows: primary elections are either abolished or reworked in a way that doesn't result in GOP and Dem nominations. Instead, each person shows up on election day to a list of candidates, which they number in order of preference (this can be done with party nominees or without, simply changing the number of candidates). We then go through a runoff system, where the least liked candidate is eliminated and the votes from them go to the individual voters' next choices, repeating until a single winner. If we remove party nominees then that could result in multiple candidates running from the same party in the general election, making the system less party centric and more candidate centric. This is about the popular vote, but the electoral vote should be handled based on the popular vote rather than unrestricted like it is now. Representatives should represent their states, not their own whims

2018-12-18 21:46:14 UTC  

Ooh, I get it now. Thanks for that explination!

2018-12-18 21:47:28 UTC  

that would result in only 1 election, rather than at least 2 with the primaries being eliminated, and it picks the "happiest winner" by being the person that the country hates the least, on average, not by picking the candidate who had the highest plurality of "most wanted"

2018-12-18 21:54:28 UTC  

Wow, someone else who identifies as a Rockefeller Republican.

2018-12-18 21:55:26 UTC  

Now kith 💋

2018-12-18 22:00:30 UTC  

that's it? no criticism about my ideas? well then

2018-12-18 22:01:48 UTC  

I'm for ranked fptp, but only on the basis of regional rep

2018-12-18 22:02:27 UTC  

I kind of like the "Draft Elections idea"

2018-12-18 22:02:35 UTC  

So yes to 1st/2nd/3rd voting, but I'd keep the college

2018-12-18 22:03:01 UTC  

I'm not saying get rid of the college, just make it so they have to actually pay attention to their states' voting

2018-12-18 22:03:29 UTC  

gcpgrey has some good videos on voting systems and that's where I got most of this concept

2018-12-18 22:03:42 UTC  

That's a self correcting issue. If a candidate can't be trusted, don't vote for them next time

2018-12-18 22:04:05 UTC  

maybe so, but it seems like an oversight IMO

2018-12-18 22:04:21 UTC  

it opens the door for lazy thinkers to let people stay in power

2018-12-18 22:05:08 UTC  

I don't think that can be designed out without getting authoritarian