Message from @James_Coney - LA
Discord ID: 296720829612425216
It was liberalshit
They were saying it's anti-women and anti-semitic
Well they're fucking niggers
alright this is what you do
did he see you post a picture of that sticker?
sorry i mean does he have footage of you posting that sticker
also that's not "anti semitic" or "anti female"
nor explicaby racist depending on who you talk to
you can sue [guy who posted on fb] for defamation
im not sure about your state's work laws are
call up a lawyer, get a consultation and see if you can get one pro bono
if [guy who posted facebook] has no footage of you posting that sticker specifically, as in you actually putting it on the pole, thats defamation
@James_Coney - LA plz no
Anticommunist? How? In what way?
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe - NC kek that was satire
imo @IronPirate is sitting on gold
whats seattle's right to work laws?
@James_Coney - LA freaked me out kek
Employers can fire at will
Buy my shit goyim
or am I wrong?
@Max yeah this shouldn't even be here in the first place
@Max gotta vet ironpirate
Oh right lol im retarded
In class right now, I'll get vetted once I get home.
Hot shima
shimakaze best boat girl
Boat fjcker
@Iamawesom You need to lay off the loli
@Dangerlurking We're discussing a thing
This is why Trump defunded PBS. They call race an illusion.
without context it's odd
@Iamawesom are you a boat fucker?