Message from @Max
Discord ID: 296721770336223232
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe - NC kek that was satire
imo @IronPirate is sitting on gold
whats seattle's right to work laws?
@James_Coney - LA freaked me out kek
Employers can fire at will
Hahahaha. That was satire goys
Buy my shit goyim
or am I wrong?
@Max yeah this shouldn't even be here in the first place
@Max gotta vet ironpirate
In class right now, I'll get vetted once I get home.
Hot shima
shimakaze best boat girl
Boat fjcker
@Iamawesom You need to lay off the loli
@Dangerlurking We're discussing a thing
This is why Trump defunded PBS. They call race an illusion.
without context it's odd
@Iamawesom are you a boat fucker?
my favorite part of the boat is the ammo rack 😉
I like my boats to have *yuge* ammo racks
@Iamawesoms same