Message from @Oskar636
Discord ID: 296720355207282690
Not ours
Can't post a screenshot of the post here
send me a pm
if its truly not anti woman or anti semitic
But yeah if anyone knows anybody with legal experience in WA regarding these things I'd like to know what my options are
you have gold
@webdevanon are we talking about training cause I suggest this mma class focusing on multiple combatants:
@IronPirate you have fucking gold, you can make a lot of money if your sticker is fine
Eh, the last time I went to UFC gym for a month and beat everyone in my class day 1 then I got moved up and beat everyone in my age group. I finally started getting to some pretty heavy people until I had wrestling season start.
It's something along Africa - Africans, Asia - asians, and the rest I couldn't read but something about "(So why don't we have) a white country"
But there's absolutely no proof in that picture.
@IronPirate I don't think you'll be charged for putting up stickers my dude.
We mean we want to know if we can sue that bitch that fired him with no proof of what was there.
@Oskar636 wait he was fired cause of some libshit? I am fucking livid
go out at 1am with a hoodie and face covered
l2 agitiate
It was liberalshit
Well they're fucking niggers
alright this is what you do
did he see you post a picture of that sticker?
sorry i mean does he have footage of you posting that sticker
also that's not "anti semitic" or "anti female"
nor explicaby racist depending on who you talk to
you can sue [guy who posted on fb] for defamation
im not sure about your state's work laws are
call up a lawyer, get a consultation and see if you can get one pro bono
if [guy who posted facebook] has no footage of you posting that sticker specifically, as in you actually putting it on the pole, thats defamation
@James_Coney - LA plz no
Anticommunist? How? In what way?
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe - NC kek that was satire
imo @IronPirate is sitting on gold
whats seattle's right to work laws?
@James_Coney - LA freaked me out kek
Employers can fire at will
Hahahaha. That was satire goys
Buy my shit goyim