Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 400084149521612800

2018-01-09 00:29:50 UTC  

Anyone see how Wil Wheaton got butthurt the other day?

2018-01-09 00:29:53 UTC  

Since Discorvery came out, you'd think the left would know wtf a borg is

2018-01-09 00:29:54 UTC  

Im one of the nerds, who reads the books

2018-01-09 00:29:55 UTC  

To be fair, they're rebuilding the Extended Universe piecemeal

2018-01-09 00:30:06 UTC  

I mean, I don't blame Disney in removing the EU, since there is some crazy stuff there.

2018-01-09 00:30:09 UTC  

No Kyle katarn, EU ruined

2018-01-09 00:30:15 UTC  

Timothy Zahn wrote "Thrawn" for Disney since they bought SW

2018-01-09 00:30:17 UTC  

Like a depressed mountain

2018-01-09 00:30:17 UTC  

No Mara Jade?

2018-01-09 00:30:29 UTC  

If disney is writing the EU then it's no use

2018-01-09 00:30:50 UTC  

i premise the series of "Space Samurai VS Space Nazi's where everyone is also a Wizard!" has always been bad.

2018-01-09 00:30:57 UTC  

And well... Tim Zahn was a great writer, came up with the whole lore around Thrawn

2018-01-09 00:31:00 UTC  

Timothy Zahn does not let anyone else wrote Thrawn

2018-01-09 00:31:07 UTC  

Anyway I'm trying to find where the list started from but so far I've found this:

2018-01-09 00:31:08 UTC  

The series wasn't always that though.

2018-01-09 00:31:13 UTC  

Disney turned it toward that.

2018-01-09 00:31:18 UTC  

That's because Zahn is the only one who can properly write Thrawn

2018-01-09 00:31:24 UTC  

TruthInGovt, wtf?

2018-01-09 00:31:26 UTC  

Nah that was the original series, too dude

2018-01-09 00:31:27 UTC  

So many great species just tossed to the wind...

2018-01-09 00:31:34 UTC  

Not just species

2018-01-09 00:31:34 UTC  

Like the Killik

2018-01-09 00:31:45 UTC  

The entire government that Thrawn created

2018-01-09 00:31:51 UTC  

Im not saying it isnt a fun kind of bad

2018-01-09 00:31:57 UTC  

Like come on, the first multispecies empire legion

2018-01-09 00:32:02 UTC  

but like... a 6th grader could have premised it

2018-01-09 00:32:15 UTC  

a Marla Hughes allegedly started it

2018-01-09 00:32:29 UTC  

Like an animated version of the Young Jedi Knight books would be hella loads better then the drivel that Rian Johnson pushed outta his anus.

2018-01-09 00:32:43 UTC  

the only thing more toxic that polotics... starwars/star trek debate!

2018-01-09 00:32:49 UTC  

Thank god I don't particularly care about the Star Wars universe

2018-01-09 00:33:17 UTC  

I used to, but all that is retconned so whats the point anymore

2018-01-09 00:33:50 UTC  

@GingaBomber Not retconned. They completely invalidated the old EU

2018-01-09 00:34:01 UTC  

ah thats the word I was looking for

2018-01-09 00:34:10 UTC  

Anything written for the EU prior to Disney's acquisition is non-canon

2018-01-09 00:34:28 UTC  

Thing is, Ive gotten attatched to many characters in the books. So it really sucks that they are gone

2018-01-09 00:35:00 UTC  

Well, if Disney let Zahn recreate Thrawn in the new EU, he'll probably push for Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, etc. as well

2018-01-09 00:35:08 UTC  

I wasnt a fan of the Jedi, nor the Sith, I loved the stories on the common Rebel or Stormtroopers.

2018-01-09 00:35:25 UTC  

Now, after where Episode VIII went, I'm not sure they'll let him do Mara Jade, but the rest are still doable

2018-01-09 00:35:29 UTC  

All the underground seedy stuff was where it was at imo