Message from @GingaBomber
Discord ID: 400084149521612800
Anyone see how Wil Wheaton got butthurt the other day?
Since Discorvery came out, you'd think the left would know wtf a borg is
Im one of the nerds, who reads the books
To be fair, they're rebuilding the Extended Universe piecemeal
I mean, I don't blame Disney in removing the EU, since there is some crazy stuff there.
No Kyle katarn, EU ruined
Timothy Zahn wrote "Thrawn" for Disney since they bought SW
Like a depressed mountain
No Mara Jade?
If disney is writing the EU then it's no use
i premise the series of "Space Samurai VS Space Nazi's where everyone is also a Wizard!" has always been bad.
And well... Tim Zahn was a great writer, came up with the whole lore around Thrawn
Timothy Zahn does not let anyone else wrote Thrawn
Anyway I'm trying to find where the list started from but so far I've found this:
The series wasn't always that though.
Disney turned it toward that.
That's because Zahn is the only one who can properly write Thrawn
TruthInGovt, wtf?
Nah that was the original series, too dude
So many great species just tossed to the wind...
Like the Killik
The entire government that Thrawn created
Im not saying it isnt a fun kind of bad
Like come on, the first multispecies empire legion
There's a medium commen on it
but like... a 6th grader could have premised it
a Marla Hughes allegedly started it
Like an animated version of the Young Jedi Knight books would be hella loads better then the drivel that Rian Johnson pushed outta his anus.
the only thing more toxic that polotics... starwars/star trek debate!
Thank god I don't particularly care about the Star Wars universe
I used to, but all that is retconned so whats the point anymore
@GingaBomber Not retconned. They completely invalidated the old EU
ah thats the word I was looking for
Anything written for the EU prior to Disney's acquisition is non-canon
Thing is, Ive gotten attatched to many characters in the books. So it really sucks that they are gone
Well, if Disney let Zahn recreate Thrawn in the new EU, he'll probably push for Mara Jade, Talon Karrde, etc. as well
I wasnt a fan of the Jedi, nor the Sith, I loved the stories on the common Rebel or Stormtroopers.
Now, after where Episode VIII went, I'm not sure they'll let him do Mara Jade, but the rest are still doable
All the underground seedy stuff was where it was at imo