Message from @.B

Discord ID: 401433731086286859

2018-01-12 17:49:47 UTC  

That is what is so preplexing to me.

2018-01-12 17:50:03 UTC  

I cant figure out what happened from 1980 to 2010

2018-01-12 17:50:22 UTC  

Hate authoritarians so much they become authoritarians

2018-01-12 17:50:53 UTC  

Well churchill had the best qoute of his life on that

2018-01-12 17:51:01 UTC  

more so then his we shall never surrender speech.

2018-01-12 17:51:24 UTC  

That the autoritarians of tomorrow will claim to be against them

2018-01-12 17:51:42 UTC  

or was it nazis?

2018-01-12 17:51:48 UTC  

I might be paraphrasing

2018-01-12 17:51:53 UTC  


2018-01-12 17:51:57 UTC  


2018-01-12 17:52:08 UTC  

The quote initially said facists and anti facists

2018-01-12 17:52:22 UTC  

Same point though, you look at all these tech companies and european countries.

2018-01-12 17:52:26 UTC  

ffs count dankula

2018-01-12 17:52:53 UTC  

What is going to be super intresting is the anti semitism law in germany for the imigrant horde.

2018-01-12 17:53:14 UTC  

Well, guess ill wait on trump then.

2018-01-12 17:53:41 UTC  

If anything, america is going to have to bail out the world again.

2018-01-12 17:53:43 UTC  

I doubt those imigrants from middle eastern or north afriacian nations can go a week without spouting some kinda anti semitic thing.

2018-01-12 17:53:59 UTC  

Its deeply engraned in the hadidth (spelling off)

2018-01-12 17:54:03 UTC  

Fucking hell sort your shit out earth

2018-01-12 17:54:16 UTC  

they'd say it in arabic

2018-01-12 17:54:19 UTC  


2018-01-12 17:54:26 UTC  

Or they will enforce it

2018-01-12 17:54:27 UTC  

But you get the point im making

2018-01-12 17:54:32 UTC  

For german speakers

2018-01-12 17:54:51 UTC  

They will never enforce it on imigrants

2018-01-12 17:54:57 UTC  

I am sure a good portion of them are not terrible people

2018-01-12 17:54:59 UTC  

unless they say it in german

2018-01-12 17:55:00 UTC  

It's only racist if it's coming out of the mouth of a white person, remember?

2018-01-12 17:55:12 UTC  

but the idealogy and shit they come from is not pc or friendly

2018-01-12 17:55:43 UTC  

I know. This weird 'alliance' the left seems to be making with islam is both worrying and really confusing.

2018-01-12 17:55:50 UTC  

You trying to rationalize sjws?

2018-01-12 17:55:52 UTC  

it makes no sense

2018-01-12 17:56:04 UTC  

Im not atempting to rationalize the SJW

2018-01-12 17:56:15 UTC  

A joke on my part

2018-01-12 17:56:21 UTC  

Im openly saying its unrealistic

2018-01-12 17:56:23 UTC  

But it is perplexing.

2018-01-12 17:56:25 UTC  

SJWs have no logic. No point in ever trying to understand them.

2018-01-12 17:56:28 UTC  

Even the irrational have some kind of motivation. While an irrational person's motivation makes no sense, they still have one.

2018-01-12 17:56:53 UTC  

Well you heard there was an article about the pussy hat movement being sexist to women with penises right?

2018-01-12 17:56:56 UTC  

Almost that they are only focussing on self survival as an identity at the cost of everything else.

2018-01-12 17:57:10 UTC  

I did hear that @Gaston Chambers.