Message from @Gaston Chambers
Discord ID: 401904047977660418
it would be horrorific
alot of people whom dont know fire arms automaticly think a fully auto ar15 is deadly and that older weapons are less so
I remember a friend of mine having to tell a leftist that a bolt action is WAY deadlier then a ar15
People are afraid of things they don't understand.
bruh a old lever action winchester would be terrifying
to speak nothing of a 10 guage
say it with me folks, big hole nothing.
where as with a 5.56 or a 2.23 you got tiny hole little hole
Horrorificly buck tends to not over penetrate which leads to larger trama
people need to think more about the mechanics of the firearm and not the scary barrels and outsides of the gun
And the whole 60% of all gundeaths used to preech how unsafe guns are, are suicides
People also need to realize the reason more people today do not die in warfare like they did in all of history is becuase of the REALLY big guns
Nukes and weapons have done more to save life and prevent conflict and suffering then they ever have
>.> imma get off my soap box now
Because warfare *totally* wasn't a thing before guns, right?
No one ever killed each other, with anything, or for anything, before the gun, right?
what i mean is.
I was agreeing with you. lol
It's almost like guns don't kill people. People kill people.
That is entirely untrue @CreativeRealms
Bullets kill people
ffs you leftists fuckers never get it right omg
He was also agreeing with you. lol
You pull the trigger on your freedom launcher
liberty is rung
and then the bullet goes into the bad guy
I know i was being silly =p
Violence has solved more conflict then any other force in history until nukes and fully auto rifles came along
now we talk alot.
nukes havent been arround long enough for their true danger to be realized it comes in the form of terrorism using homemade ones in a backpack
Eh yes and no.
Their existence and being held by state actors has indeed lead to unprecidently peace and a lower number of deaths from war.
But the weapon being used by non state actors is indeed troubling
Who got rid of hitler? Men with guns, or students holding placards?
we will see what senior trump does
What stopped wwii?