Message from @JadenFrostwolf

Discord ID: 427957548851789827

2018-03-26 21:29:43 UTC  

In prison people separate themselves off by race, so it only makes sense in that environment.

2018-03-26 21:30:25 UTC  

but Aryans are blonde haired blue eyed ubermenschen

2018-03-26 21:31:45 UTC  

and yes Rye, at this point Alt-Right is just a term for "not a communist"

2018-03-26 21:32:26 UTC  

when in reality the only people considering themselves alt-right are actually white ethnostate socialists

2018-03-26 21:32:35 UTC  

making them left

2018-03-26 21:33:00 UTC  

Yeah, well, in prison, I don't think a bunch of atomized individuals will do very well against racial collectives intent on dominance of their space and shanking opposition.

2018-03-26 21:33:50 UTC  

true, and you're probably right, but aryan brotherhood seems like a poor tag in my eyes 😛

2018-03-26 21:34:21 UTC  

White Walkers, now theres a good term for a white only prison gang

2018-03-26 21:36:03 UTC  

We should enforce diversity quotas upon them.

2018-03-26 21:36:54 UTC  

Let's call them racist

2018-03-26 21:37:07 UTC  

That'll work!

2018-03-26 21:56:07 UTC  

wildcard, bitches

2018-03-26 21:56:44 UTC  

The thing that bemuses me this whole left-wing/right-wing nonsense is Scotland. As far as I can tell, they're a more left leaning part of the UK on the whole, but have elected a nationalist socialist party into power, and recently declared that mocking nazis is a hate crime.

2018-03-26 22:01:22 UTC  


2018-03-26 22:20:57 UTC  

@nekomata what's so bemusing about a left-wing part of a country electing a left wing party?

2018-03-26 22:24:00 UTC  

@Grenade123 When that left wing party is a nationalist socialist party, and the courts of the country have ruled that mocking National Socialism is a hate crime.

2018-03-26 22:24:48 UTC  

(given that Nazi, alt-right and facism are usually treated interchangably)

2018-03-26 22:26:18 UTC  

The level of hatrad someone has for something is directly proportional to that which they hate within themselves.

2018-03-26 22:29:50 UTC  

It's like when those antifa thugs decide to have their protests. I've sometimes wondered if the best form of counterprotest would just be to stand there with a line of (non-glass) mirrors pointing back at them

2018-03-26 22:30:28 UTC  

I think that's too subtle for a lot of people.

2018-03-26 22:30:30 UTC  


2018-03-26 22:31:01 UTC  

yeah, probably v.v

2018-03-26 22:31:42 UTC  

its to dress up like them

if they can't tell who's the real "nazi" cuz everyone is wearing black hoodies

2018-03-26 22:31:59 UTC  

then just make everyone wear a hoodie

2018-03-26 22:32:14 UTC  

police will even protect you at that point

2018-03-26 22:33:33 UTC  

i legit think that would be the greatest weapon against them,

If they hate and want to destroy anything the "evil nazi people" touch
literally adopt their colors/symbols

then they'll destroy themselves

2018-03-26 22:34:39 UTC  

that would be amusing to watch

2018-03-26 22:34:57 UTC  

I would watch that.

2018-03-26 22:36:46 UTC  

i even told this strategy before,

that school protest thing Tim was at, and one person recognised him and started yelling at him and trying to rally the people against him, and 90% didn't know where to look or who to yell at until a few minutes of pointing etc

So literally 90% don't know their target,
Dress up like them with 5 people "plants", and start accusing a random person amongst the group that they're actually one of the "other group"

2018-03-26 22:36:56 UTC  

and literally have the rally attack itself

2018-03-26 22:37:06 UTC  

cuz the 5 "plants" will verify your accusation

2018-03-26 22:37:09 UTC  

and be like "yeah! thats him!"

2018-03-26 22:37:25 UTC  


2018-03-26 22:37:47 UTC  

Aye, mob mentality can be reasonably easy to steer at times

2018-03-26 22:37:51 UTC  

or better yet,

get 2 of those groups going, and accusing people and the other group will defend them and point someone else

2018-03-26 22:38:06 UTC  

It is very easy to steer

2018-03-26 22:38:08 UTC  

be like "Hey tahts taht person!"

"You lie! you're just trying to defend HIM over there!"

2018-03-26 22:38:15 UTC  

"A person is intelligent. People are stupid." or something to that effect

2018-03-26 22:38:54 UTC  

Put it up in sposting.

2018-03-26 22:38:58 UTC  

A crowd with no principles, has no protection

2018-03-26 22:40:24 UTC  

cuz their own lack of principles will topple them that way,

A true "anti-violence" group of people will be like "shut up! they didn't do anything"

but these rabid protesters will just attack