Message from @georgie.h7

Discord ID: 579430644912881680

2019-05-18 04:46:58 UTC  

Wait people enjoy CNN? <:pepogun:517650135216553984>

2019-05-18 05:50:17 UTC  

Republicans are the cancer of the USA stopping all progress

2019-05-18 06:58:55 UTC  

mm ya of course they are

2019-05-18 07:00:44 UTC  

well lets look at the democrats, trump wanted a wall, which is why everyone elected him for, and democrats didnt want to progress with it, so who is stopping the progress, democrats are.

2019-05-18 08:06:09 UTC  

Skip to 38:17

2019-05-18 08:06:36 UTC  

Ben Shapiro explains why lost the interview

2019-05-18 14:15:53 UTC  

At least he owns being destroyed

2019-05-18 14:29:27 UTC  

@michael Trust me, he's handled it a lot better than other idiots

2019-05-18 14:29:46 UTC  

Owen Jones wrote an entire article crying after Neil destroyed Owe

2019-05-18 22:09:23 UTC  

Hi pro life or pro choice huhh

2019-05-18 22:09:31 UTC  

^^^ what she said

2019-05-18 22:10:01 UTC  

who is pro life and pro choice

2019-05-18 22:10:08 UTC  

im pro choice

2019-05-18 22:10:08 UTC  

Give it a minute

2019-05-18 22:10:16 UTC  

someone will come in thats pro life

2019-05-18 22:10:20 UTC  

give wat a minute

2019-05-18 22:10:21 UTC  

pro choice

2019-05-18 22:10:24 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:10:26 UTC  

me too

2019-05-18 22:10:31 UTC  

finally pro choice people!!

2019-05-18 22:10:32 UTC  

Mr blue is pro life

2019-05-18 22:10:34 UTC  

georgie is an intellectual

2019-05-18 22:10:38 UTC  

im pro life

2019-05-18 22:10:40 UTC  

wow ily

2019-05-18 22:10:43 UTC  

we came here to debate and argue with pro life people

2019-05-18 22:10:44 UTC  

are you a boy or a girl

2019-05-18 22:10:48 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:10:49 UTC  

kid :/

2019-05-18 22:10:51 UTC  

jk girl

2019-05-18 22:10:53 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:10:58 UTC  

i am a girl

2019-05-18 22:11:03 UTC  

would you like to debate mr. blue?

2019-05-18 22:11:11 UTC  

yes plz

2019-05-18 22:11:13 UTC  

why ever is that mr blue

2019-05-18 22:11:15 UTC  

guys only talk serious here

2019-05-18 22:11:17 UTC  

Do you agree that a woman should have the choice to get an abortion if she was raped?

2019-05-18 22:11:20 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:11:26 UTC  

only serious talk for us

2019-05-18 22:11:27 UTC  


2019-05-18 22:11:29 UTC