Message from @Gerry

Discord ID: 582716385629569035

2019-05-27 15:00:18 UTC  

So he asked to heavily fortify Normandy

2019-05-27 15:00:25 UTC  

Or in reality

2019-05-27 15:00:44 UTC  

A nazi sympathizer time travels to hitler's timeline and warn Hitler of Normandy invasion

2019-05-27 15:00:52 UTC  

He is then executed and Hitler scoffs at him for being Allied agent

2019-05-27 15:05:58 UTC  

Yep that's what happen

2019-05-27 17:38:59 UTC  

Abolish Article 13 when?

2019-05-27 22:31:31 UTC  

Democratic socialism is the way to go.

Change.... My.... Mind.

2019-05-27 22:38:56 UTC  


2019-05-27 22:50:06 UTC  

I meannnnnnn

2019-05-27 22:55:46 UTC  

What do you mean by "Democratic socialism"?

2019-05-27 22:55:53 UTC  

There are so many definitions

2019-05-27 23:11:12 UTC  

Or how about we start off by asking why it is you think democratic socialism is the way to go?

2019-05-27 23:11:12 UTC  

GG @Spitfire, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-05-27 23:13:16 UTC  


2019-05-27 23:13:37 UTC  

If you manage the economy right it is a viable solution

2019-05-27 23:14:27 UTC  

And it breeds nationalism

2019-05-27 23:28:20 UTC  


2019-05-27 23:45:44 UTC  

and happiness

2019-05-27 23:46:52 UTC  

That too

2019-05-28 00:26:33 UTC  

top ten secret socialists

2019-05-28 00:26:34 UTC  

wont tell u

2019-05-28 00:26:54 UTC  

If you know how to govern, you can have a government that function regardless of status

2019-05-28 00:26:57 UTC  

capitalism, communism, fascism

2019-05-28 00:26:59 UTC  

w/e you want

2019-05-28 05:41:43 UTC  

@Gerry aight ill give it a crack

2019-05-28 05:41:55 UTC  

democratic socialism is non-revolutionary in nature

2019-05-28 05:42:35 UTC  

but you have the entire history of the media and almost all public and private institutions against socialism

2019-05-28 05:42:49 UTC  

which means most of the population is brainwashed into thinking socialism is evil/bad/doesnt work

2019-05-28 05:43:54 UTC  

so if everyone is brainwashed to think its bad and the institutions in place keep it that way, but DemSoc is non-revolutionary in nature, how will it ever be elected into majority power?

2019-05-28 05:44:15 UTC  

(i dont think it can be)

2019-05-28 05:44:32 UTC  

so if you want a DemSoc economy, you'll need to have a revolution

2019-05-28 05:44:46 UTC  

which is fundamentally not democratic socialism

2019-05-28 05:45:30 UTC  

does this mean Marxism is the way to go?

2019-05-28 05:45:30 UTC  

GG @Green Syndicalism, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-05-28 05:45:34 UTC  

of course not

2019-05-28 05:45:50 UTC  

the endgoal of most Marxisms is communism

2019-05-28 05:46:10 UTC  

and i dont think you need to really be convinced of why that is a bad idea

2019-05-28 05:46:27 UTC  

@Green Syndicalism its evil because history has shown that

2019-05-28 05:46:38 UTC  

okay you dont understand democratic socialism then