Message from @Sh0t
Discord ID: 632507129198280714
Why won't it have many highly educated people?
men around the world would fight this place for free to have a shot at being a hero
Most of them won't have this view
No they wouldn't lol. you are very idealistic and optimistic, your perception of human nature is what you wish humans acted like
But humans just do not give a shit about ethics, you will not have a civil war with 50 percent of people marching down the street with rifles ready to fight the state. that spirit is LONG gone
IF they get ensured a steady well benefiting job, they will take itt
I'm thinking more of the dark side, people that are blood thristy waiting for a legitimate enemy
this is like a dream come true for them, fighting a regime that oppress poor white women just trying to vote
They think they are. But really they are not. If they have seen 20 percent of what the fighters in the american civil war had seen, they would take literally ANYTHING except that
"Your side" would be the side facing that, almost on the same territory, but now with PGMs and all manner of new nasty tricks
Fallujah USA
There would be insurgencies in places like Asheville, which is a great area for one, which is why my doomstead is out there, etc
We wouldn't. When talking about repealing the 19th, a totalitarian authoritarian regime is presupposed. The army has drones, tanks, helicopters, fighting jets, nukes etc
If there was a civil war, (but thats a big IF, because people think they are ready, but actually are not), you would not have a CHANCE against someone who was trained for a whole straight year to kill, and not give a shit about killing, to know to analyze the environment around him, to find best hiding spots, good reaction time etc
People wouldn't have a chance
Which peolpe though you'd have combat vets on both sides, and presumably, the 'other side' woudl have way more numbers
I'm a marine vet, 8 years, I don't think anybody i knew would fight on 'your side' in this situation
certainly not the female marines lol
More numbers? You don't understand what I'm saying. If we are talking about repealing the 19th amendment, we are talking about a high portion of the country already supporting authoritarianism/totalitarianism
Because, how else could an openly proud fascist get to power, if majority of the people didn't support him?
I follow the alt-right drama. The race war thing would be way easier to sell than the race war+ gender war thing
which is why we saw all that static with some of the alt right ladies and the stormcels like 2 years ago
Nah you missed my point
There wouldn't be a repeal, it would require secession
Only way to get that goal is if you had secession, ther eis no way current USA is going to repeal 19th
Majority of VOTERS didnt' support trump, electoral college win, and even then, he's only a slightly more dramatic standard issue US politician
Currently no, however after the tensions rise when Trump gets impeached/loses, people will grow angry, and would want something more radical than trump. Which will resort to either a even stronger conservative, or a reactionary traditionalist
They certainly don't support him now, either
Nah, trump's main function is to be a lightning rod for tons of hate that his followers will catch. setting them up to be the baddies in the next big dust up
He's not even a conservative by any stretch of the imagination
especially with this shit going on with the Kurds in turkey, I have friends crying abotu it because they served along side the kurds
I know, but that's not what matters. people THINK he is a conservative. People view him as a conservative, but presuming they grow more angry, they will want someone more radical
DOes anybody really think though? i dunno man
I don't think people think he's a conservative, I just think they wanted somebody anti-establishment(at the beginning)
everybody could see he didn't have traditional family values, life long democrat from NYC, no military service yada yad
Trump isn't radical though, that's the problem. He didn't build the wall, etc. I would make trump look like a liberal
Trump is Obama 2.0, Hope and CHange con for rednecks. only issue is whether they can take the ego hit to admit they were wrong
Their desires also won't matter as much as the world becomes multi-polar, so even if they won domestically, they won't be able to control reality the way previous us administrations could
perfect storm for the aging boomer reactionaries
The scary people are not the angry types you are talking about, it's the super cynical types that are doing the cost-benefit analysis on trump versus whomever
Of course he's not radical. depending on what happens with the impeachment, and the election, we will probably see a reactionary who is much MUCH more radical than trump, more stricter on capitalism, and overall more authoritarian
What I am skeptical about however, Is whether or not they will get elected
You don't think pendulum will swing back the other way for a turn or two?