Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 654428819977011220

2019-12-11 15:38:55 UTC  

Sometimes I forget I own this place

2019-12-11 17:17:04 UTC  

Trump is happy...but clearly straight.

2019-12-11 17:47:48 UTC  

The odds that Trump has fucked a little boy before are astronomical. Is it gay to have sex with an underage boy? I think so

2019-12-11 18:03:38 UTC  

is this factual <:yus:538083968881524747>

2019-12-11 18:31:42 UTC  

Well, he's a rich pervert who has been hanging out with guys like Epstein (and worse) his whole life. Having sex with little boys has been the favorite past time for elite members of society for a long time...

2019-12-11 18:33:22 UTC  

The extent of how gay Trump is largely depends on how he personally felt raping those kids

2019-12-11 19:38:02 UTC  

how disturbing <:yus:538083968881524747>

2019-12-11 20:08:08 UTC  

I need capitalist slurs, @me if you have one it's for a school project.

2019-12-11 20:28:05 UTC  

ok so i have a question.

2019-12-11 20:28:19 UTC  

first of all excuse my english, it's not my first language

2019-12-11 20:30:50 UTC  

in terms of my political views i'm all over the place. in terms of "left leaning" views i believe the following:
- the amount of genders is infinite and i don't care what a person identifies as
- socialized healthcare is good

but then i also have right leaning views such as being against the EU and i'm quite sceptical about *some* parts of the climate change thing...

what would my beliefs be defined as? am i a centrist or no?

2019-12-11 20:36:37 UTC  

Those really don't define your political and philosophical view

2019-12-11 20:40:33 UTC  

Indeed - consider going to <#508201872889479177> and taking some tests like that. Still not perfect but will help you "identity" yourself

2019-12-11 20:40:39 UTC  
2019-12-11 20:40:55 UTC  

@Boo I missed you <:ainz:538084033410891776>

2019-12-11 20:41:14 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby eyyy how ya doing?

2019-12-11 20:42:24 UTC  

Pretty good just smoking dope and wasting my life way as usual. But having a pleasant enough time doing it ;) I hope you've been well

2019-12-11 20:43:19 UTC  

Oh yea sorry I haven't visited for awhile
I was busy learning and refining my political views and ideas

2019-12-11 20:57:06 UTC  

The fact that Democrats can even bring up articles of impeachment with the evidence mounted against Biden being corrupt on pure circumstantial evidence alone is beyond me. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I suppose. Only the needy would justify impeachment because the only "evidence" there is was skewed to fit the agenda of having Trump impeached as a way to stop him from being re-elected or for some other reason. It is to say, there is no real evidence against him just as was the case with the Russian hacking conspiracy theory and the Muller Report and the list goes on...

2019-12-11 20:58:14 UTC  

I am digressing when a say the goal of any political party is to hold onto power. This is true and we must keep this in mind. Of course a political party will certainly take the necessary steps to ensure they are at an advantage. We can all agree this generally should be considered a healthy part of any society; however, in the case of the Democrats they have shown their true colors. By using the media to change pubic opinion in a biased way repeatedly by over sensationalizing stories to make Trump seem as if he was a dictator, by taking advantage of his personal pitfalls such as arrogance, a seemingly low IQ, and a lack of common sense at times to somehow slowly work their way up to justify impeachment with no real reason, they have shown a flagrant disregard for due process from both a moral and legal standpoint. It is essentially one big hoax lead by a bunch of butthurt people who can't accept the fact that they lost. A circus if you ask me. On top of this, they have shown a lack of respect towards the Constitution of the United States which clearly sets the standard for impeachment. I must remind you that it isn't hard to break the rules of law when half of the country is convinced by the mass media with malicious intent that their president is a racist, diversity hating man. Right because everything we see on the news is factual and not bias and definitely no one can use a play of words to change the opinion of a viewer on a psychological level to favor a certain viewpoint. The vast majority of the public lacks the ability to see through the lies, manipulation and propaganda that is fed to them on a daily basis.

2019-12-11 21:06:29 UTC  


2019-12-11 21:07:05 UTC  

I call people here retarded all the time, but you are now Exhibit 1 @Vision

2019-12-11 21:31:46 UTC  

Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang is MY president! I love Andrew Yang. That one time where he had one of his supporters on his knees, trembling with excitement before the presidential candidate; nothing made me more jealous than to witness that man on his knees before The Yang and accepting his creamy deposit into his mouth. I can't help but close my eyes and open my mouth and sit waiting for him to give me his cream. An outsider may think that I am a homosexual because I am possessed by such thoughts; however, this is incorrect. When blessed with the presence of Andrew Yang, the boundaries of sexuality are not simply ignored, no, they completely dissolve. Andrew Yang is not just a man who's running for president. Andrew Yang is an omnipotent being who lives amongst men. He is a benevolent God who wishes to bestow his gifts upon his children. He only desires to give to his children the gift of $1,000USD a month. Who would ever want to deny the will of God? Not me. I love God. I love Andrew Yang and I wish I could offer my body as a sacrifice as that man did. Please, grant me my wish, o Benevolent God.


2019-12-11 23:41:10 UTC  

Yeah you have no argument

2019-12-11 23:41:12 UTC  
2019-12-11 23:42:10 UTC  

You have a child molester for a pfp and want to call me retarded. You are in your own right.

2019-12-11 23:42:33 UTC  

Much more so without a rebuttal of minimal effort

2019-12-11 23:47:30 UTC  

Not asking for much. Gather the few brain cells you have left and dish out something I can work with because at this point I can't do much other than throw insults back at you if your cast hook and sinker response is going to be I am stupid.

2019-12-12 00:01:50 UTC  


2019-12-12 00:03:43 UTC  

Im here

2019-12-12 00:05:41 UTC  

This server is so dead

2019-12-12 00:07:01 UTC  

Anyone wanna vc?

2019-12-12 00:07:06 UTC  

Im leaving bye

2019-12-12 00:40:12 UTC  


2019-12-12 00:41:54 UTC  


2019-12-12 00:41:54 UTC  

GG @Vision, you just advanced to level 9!

2019-12-12 00:41:59 UTC  

"The brain, knowing that a person can't live forever in this world, rationalizes a future, or other-dimensional, world in which immortality is possible. In other words, religion is the earliest form of science fiction." -Philip Jose Farmer

2019-12-12 00:42:16 UTC  

What does that have to do with..

2019-12-12 00:42:24 UTC  

shut up libtard

2019-12-12 00:42:42 UTC  

You are not smart