Message from @Otto

Discord ID: 657304983787798540

2019-12-19 15:26:30 UTC  


2019-12-19 15:27:08 UTC  

But it's obviously not getting past the senate, so unfortunately this is just going to solidify their faith in the system

2019-12-19 15:31:25 UTC  

Trump is impeached

2019-12-19 15:31:26 UTC  

GG @August W., you just advanced to level 12!

2019-12-19 15:31:30 UTC  


2019-12-19 15:34:15 UTC  

I have a question, why do people think trump impeachment helps trump re-election? What will happen to the Democratic if he doesn't get out of office? I've seen some interesting statement on Twitter. And wanna know y'all thoughts on this.

2019-12-19 15:45:23 UTC

2019-12-19 15:48:43 UTC  

Because it’s nigh impossible to happen, with Mitch sacking the court and the senate being 2/3 republican him gettin impeached is extremely unlikely @August W.

2019-12-19 16:08:17 UTC  

I believe there is a clause stating that the person cannot run for that position again if the Senate is split

2019-12-19 16:08:25 UTC  

But I need to look this up more

2019-12-19 16:16:06 UTC  

@August W. Trump hasn't been impeached yet

2019-12-19 16:16:34 UTC  

The house has to send the articles to the republican-majority-controlled senate for it to be approved

2019-12-19 16:37:22 UTC  

No, trump has been impeached. Even though the Senate will acquit he is still impeached

2019-12-19 16:38:12 UTC  

Only two other presidents were impeached: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton - look it up

2019-12-19 16:38:37 UTC  

Nixon resigned before he was impeached

2019-12-19 16:39:08 UTC  

Being impeached does not mean removed

2019-12-19 16:40:10 UTC  

It's kind like being indicted

2019-12-19 19:33:17 UTC  

I vaguely remember the senate being part of the impeachment process, as in, it has to go through them before impeachment.

2019-12-19 19:33:37 UTC  

Yeah he's impeached, but the senate will vote whether to remove him from office

2019-12-19 19:34:12 UTC  

Obviously they won't, spineless cowards.

2019-12-19 19:35:20 UTC  


2019-12-19 19:37:26 UTC  

Nancy doesn’t want the trial to happen

2019-12-19 20:16:16 UTC  

@Dr.Cosby yeah, President Pence would be great

2019-12-19 20:24:37 UTC  

Guys good news trump isn't being impeach anymore nansy Pepsi finally sucked trump dick

What would happen if Senate voted to removed him from office? What would happen to the Republican party? Would it go ape shit?

2019-12-19 20:28:31 UTC  

It won’t happen

2019-12-19 20:57:12 UTC  

Yeah but what "IF" god @Gоd

2019-12-19 20:57:21 UTC  

What IF it did

2019-12-19 20:57:46 UTC  

God I pray everyday you still haven't answered my prayers

2019-12-19 20:58:01 UTC  

I wanted my mum cancer gone but she died

2019-12-19 20:58:08 UTC  

Wtf god

2019-12-19 21:21:40 UTC  

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would not commit on Wednesday to sending the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to the Republican-held Senate, a surprise move that injects new uncertainty into Congress' timeline of the President's trial in the chamber."
This is from CNN too

2019-12-19 21:45:18 UTC  

Theoretically, Nancy could hold onto the articles until the end of this congressional session which ends in December of next year. But it would destroy the Democratic party's legitimacy. If the Republicans invoked a secret ballot for the trial, I think they could remove Trump from office and it would open up the GOP to returning to a less radical(vocally at least) and more formal 'conservative' party

2019-12-19 22:41:10 UTC  

@August W. it’s hard to keep track, sorry

2019-12-19 23:44:38 UTC  

Happy early Christmas @everyone if it works lol

2019-12-20 00:25:53 UTC  

same to you my good sir <a:peepoRunSanta:526260920184340510> @August W.

2019-12-20 02:38:13 UTC  

Dem debate boys

2019-12-20 02:39:29 UTC  

U watch the dem debates? I just ignore them as they drop out one by one and eventually lose to Trump

2019-12-20 02:39:39 UTC  

Lol k

2019-12-20 02:42:17 UTC  

It’s basically a competition of who can out-woke the others

2019-12-20 02:43:09 UTC  

Spanish speaking, virtue signaling, pandering to minorities

2019-12-20 02:55:45 UTC  

ok liberal