Message from @YoucefCY(GSG-9)
Discord ID: 690624741962416199
Just leave it, people will never be woke enough to know that their president is racist. Let them be idiots.
Idiots repeat the same thing, not shaking any factual evidence
That's literaly what's happening right noww
calling it how it is isn't racist to me at all but uh aight lol
I asked them to elaborate and give evidence to their points but they have said nothing.
Leave it,
Just leave it. As I said they are idiots and never will experience the real world.
So i heard this server is about politics
Ignore the conversation above you
Don't be like us and get sucked into that lol
Is there a non alligned rôle ?
I'm not sure
If there is I need it
Most of the idéologies isnt common with me
I just gave myself the role of the party that fits more of my beliefs
You could just not give youself any role
Maybe ill pick Capitalism
Or you could chat to a mod about this
I think i will
There really should be an unaffiliated role or something to that affect
@YoucefCY(GSG-9) I love you
Pepsi is life
Thanks @Selador really Nice from yoi
GG @YoucefCY(GSG-9), you just advanced to level 1!
🆙 | **pepsi leveled up!**
Um hi
As everyone gets the Corona and sick I'd like to take a moment to remind everybody that diversity is our strength
Sorry, but saying that it's racist to call it the "chinese virus" is outright retarded when we have coined other diseases after nations
And you; people of color are more retarded for white knighting a nation that would rather see you dead or enslaved rather than assimilate into their culture, don't believe me? Go to your chinese friend's house and talk with their parents and see what they think about people who aren't pale. They find you disgusting.
In m'y perspective , i think that the Coronavirus is a bio-weapon made by USA and NATO laboratories to destroy China economicly , but they didnt got deep into the conséquences such as its gonna spread across the world including them , and the worse is that china is lying about the cases , and its not the people who begin the virus , may god help the world . (of course this is m'y opinion so dont take seriously)
Who agrees with me ?