Message from @LotheronPrime

Discord ID: 458454527885180952

2018-06-19 00:47:46 UTC  

you're a natural

2018-06-19 00:48:14 UTC  

thats the worst season

2018-06-19 00:54:14 UTC  




2018-06-19 00:56:59 UTC  


2018-06-19 00:58:09 UTC  

Unfortunately, on a trip to Iran, Tim had a head injury. The surgery left his brain exposed, so he must keep the hat on or risk infection. Taking off his hat is risking his life.

2018-06-19 01:00:07 UTC  

I'm going hard in Photoshop right now

2018-06-19 01:00:32 UTC  

Got any t-shirt designs I could have a go at?

2018-06-19 01:06:41 UTC  

And on that Iran trip he denied the holocaust apparently.

2018-06-19 01:09:00 UTC  

feel free to make and submit any design ideas

2018-06-19 01:09:07 UTC  

@NippleKing do the LGBT+ one with the B falling off. Could have #DropTheB and “Demand Inclusiveness” as the text.

2018-06-19 01:19:46 UTC  

Posted a test version in <#398973785426100234>.

2018-06-19 02:07:22 UTC  

how about the ingsoc logo... turn the v upside down to look like an A and the word ingsoc into antifa

2018-06-19 02:11:38 UTC  

if you can... have that as a little insignia in the top left and have the words
war is peace
Freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

2018-06-19 02:12:26 UTC  

maybe even have the white and black flag... and have the ingsoc/antifa logo on the black flag

2018-06-19 02:13:06 UTC  

so from a distance it just looks like a cool orwell reference... and close up you see its an antifa logo 😃

2018-06-19 02:13:40 UTC  

socialism is for fags?

2018-06-19 02:13:58 UTC  

thats racist

2018-06-19 02:14:04 UTC  

against fags?

2018-06-19 02:14:13 UTC  

against butt pirates

2018-06-19 02:14:35 UTC  

[who got the american dad reference?]

2018-06-19 02:14:37 UTC  

Fig I guess

2018-06-19 02:14:40 UTC  

I did

2018-06-19 02:14:44 UTC  

but its a crowder shirt

2018-06-19 02:15:14 UTC  

need a beanie with a bullhorn

2018-06-19 02:15:18 UTC  

"the beanie has spoken"

2018-06-19 02:15:21 UTC  

we use fag all the time here

2018-06-19 02:15:31 UTC  

just means cigarette 😛

2018-06-19 02:15:35 UTC  

I know

2018-06-19 02:15:41 UTC  

"can I bum a fag?"

2018-06-19 02:15:49 UTC  

hear that all the time

2018-06-19 02:15:58 UTC  

depending on the city here

2018-06-19 02:16:02 UTC  

you'll hear that too

2018-06-19 02:16:04 UTC  

Words, you know?

2018-06-19 02:16:06 UTC  

but totally different meaning

2018-06-19 02:17:42 UTC  

if you come to the UK and someone asks if they can bum a fag off you... just say you dont smoke 😛

2018-06-19 02:17:56 UTC  

also could be a different meaning 😄

2018-06-19 02:18:32 UTC  

nah, any other way would be "can I put my willy in your bum mista?"

2018-06-19 02:19:12 UTC  

also if someone asks if you would like some faggots and mash... say yes!

2018-06-19 02:19:17 UTC  

cos its delicious

2018-06-19 02:23:01 UTC  

I wonder if this would get monetized