Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 459907780866867220

2018-06-23 02:02:29 UTC  

Along with bazillions of unskilled near-illiterate immigrants flocking to western countries, the Marxists might end up with their proles after all.

2018-06-23 02:04:47 UTC  

At the top of the heap you'll have your capitalists just like in Marx's day, but you'll also have the intelligentsia who aren't subject to having their jobs automated away just yet.

2018-06-23 02:06:51 UTC  

One has to wonder if the left coast socialists will still want a revolution under such circumstances. Guess it depends on whether or not they can afford rent.

2018-06-23 02:20:42 UTC  

Correct me if i'm wrong, but automation would mean that prices would drop drastically, and even though low skilled labour will be less important, high skilled labour positions will increase, drastically.

2018-06-23 02:21:45 UTC  

Socialism will have even less chances of becoming a reality at that point ,because there wouldn't be a "worker's class".

2018-06-23 02:23:33 UTC  

That would hold if people were all identical. But the vast majority of people just do not have a high enough IQ to be software engineers, geneticists, etc.

2018-06-23 02:23:59 UTC  

Sure, and they would be the mechanics, and the soldiers

2018-06-23 02:23:59 UTC  

So there will be a growing number of people who have no use. No ability to trade their labor for adequate wage.

2018-06-23 02:24:19 UTC  

or similar jobs that cannot efficiently be replaced by technology

2018-06-23 02:25:51 UTC  

As an example, Google Duplex will easily eliminate a million jobs in the US once it is a mature technology.

2018-06-23 02:26:21 UTC  

Self-driving trucks will eliminate a similar amount.

2018-06-23 02:26:53 UTC  

There really won't be the same number of jobs created by these eliminations.

2018-06-23 02:27:29 UTC  

I men youd end up with the situation with gas pump attendant laws

2018-06-23 02:27:35 UTC  

Isn't it possible that by the time we will have acheived automation, there would be other kinds of expansion?

2018-06-23 02:27:47 UTC  

Like if you automate the majority of call centers and receptionists, that doesn't logically create a new sector to serve those computers.

2018-06-23 02:27:58 UTC  

Space, Extraterrestrial colonialism, etc?

2018-06-23 02:28:14 UTC  

And if the trucks drive themselves, that doesn't necessarily mean that there's a million more mechanic jobs.

2018-06-23 02:28:36 UTC  

More like the jobs of a thousand can be handled by ten.

2018-06-23 02:28:47 UTC  

Is it possible that at some point, we will need a genocide?

2018-06-23 02:28:49 UTC  

I think you have to accept that this is a fundamentally different revolution. We're not replacing human muscle power, we're replacing human intellect.

2018-06-23 02:29:19 UTC  

Its kinda happening in developed natios.

2018-06-23 02:29:20 UTC  

There will be new opportunities though.

2018-06-23 02:29:26 UTC  

People having less kids

2018-06-23 02:29:30 UTC  

Because at some point, the only thing valuable from humans will be Art.

2018-06-23 02:29:45 UTC  

When a generation ago people had like five, now people have one or two.

2018-06-23 02:29:50 UTC  

What you'll find is that things that were not economically feasible before due to labor costs will become feasible once human labor is much less valuable.

2018-06-23 02:30:01 UTC  

Like servants.

2018-06-23 02:30:02 UTC  

That's possible

2018-06-23 02:30:43 UTC  

Nowadays wealthy people have their servants in the form of illegal immigrants because that permits them to end-run around minimum wage laws.

2018-06-23 02:30:51 UTC  

There's also the fact that education costs may drop too, letting more get into design and development fields

2018-06-23 02:31:33 UTC  

But eventually such low-skilled labor will have such little economic worth that everyone will be competing for it. Everyone who can't do something that requires a high IQ at least.

2018-06-23 02:32:14 UTC  

And there are jobs where people want humans for the sake of humans, like in healthcare or education.

2018-06-23 02:32:39 UTC  

Nobody wants to have their arse wiped by a cold metal claw when they're in their 80s in a home somewhere.

2018-06-23 02:33:02 UTC  

Not everyone will be smart enough to innovate.

2018-06-23 02:33:12 UTC  

Thats not something that can be thaught.

2018-06-23 02:33:12 UTC  


2018-06-23 02:33:27 UTC  

That is the key fact that so many people refuse to accept.

2018-06-23 02:33:33 UTC  

Not everyone needs to innovate, most people in the fields are the people who make plans possible

2018-06-23 02:33:58 UTC  

For example, I can design a car, but I need other people to help me bring it to reality

2018-06-23 02:34:13 UTC  

Metal sintering.

2018-06-23 02:34:34 UTC  

Here's something interesting