Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 460477262832336917

2018-06-24 16:06:44 UTC  

People flock to the US govt to offer their skills with aeronautics and spacecraft.

2018-06-24 16:06:52 UTC  

Or other countries start working on space tech

2018-06-24 16:06:56 UTC  

WIn win in a way

2018-06-24 16:07:06 UTC  

It will take decades before it gets anywhere

2018-06-24 16:07:50 UTC  

though i think if we concentrated on the ground we could make leaps and bounds ahead of anyone else who concentrates on space (because face it there arnt many countrys with the economy that can put as much forward as we can into that) and then if we were ever vulnerible to space we would be more than formitible enough on the earth to counter that

2018-06-24 16:08:02 UTC  

True that

2018-06-24 16:08:21 UTC  

Since everyone in space will have something on earth to remind them not to screw around.

2018-06-24 16:08:41 UTC  

But a force not tied to earth? That will be a threat then

2018-06-24 16:08:53 UTC  

Imagine a colony going rogue and sending an invasion force to earth

2018-06-24 16:09:00 UTC  

That can happen

2018-06-24 16:09:08 UTC  

i supose what might be nice is anti-icbm satalites if it turns out that would be more cost effective than ground defenses

2018-06-24 16:09:20 UTC  

id like a defense policy for space rather than offense

2018-06-24 16:09:29 UTC  

You think a satallite can carry enough power to power such a weapon?

2018-06-24 16:09:36 UTC  


2018-06-24 16:09:44 UTC  

Maybe not now, but tech will improve

2018-06-24 16:09:50 UTC  

But Id imagine thats the first hurdle

2018-06-24 16:11:17 UTC  

wouldent need it, it would only need a reserve to draw on the moment the weapon needs to be used basicly like a gun with ammo, it would be expensive to reload but it would be more cost effective than creating the solar power nessicary to create such a defense consitering the bigger the thing you make in space the more damage it takes over time

2018-06-24 16:11:51 UTC  

How about rods from god

2018-06-24 16:12:03 UTC  

But for space instead

2018-06-24 16:12:09 UTC  

Eh, maybe not

2018-06-24 16:12:14 UTC  

too heavy

2018-06-24 16:12:21 UTC  

are we talking about icbm defense anymore?

2018-06-24 16:12:27 UTC  

To be honest, just launch a new satallite everytime

2018-06-24 16:12:32 UTC  

And retrive the past ones

2018-06-24 16:12:59 UTC  

Yeah, but I was thinking of something not energy based

2018-06-24 16:13:06 UTC  

But in the end, energy based weaponry will be kind

2018-06-24 16:13:15 UTC  

thor wouldent be fast enough

2018-06-24 16:13:42 UTC  

Keep them in rotation, not launch them when an ICBM launch is detected

2018-06-24 16:14:01 UTC  

Have a sat for keeping track of all launch sites and to detect launches, missiles give off alot of energy

2018-06-24 16:14:11 UTC  

i mean the weapon that thor is wouldent be fast enough

2018-06-24 16:14:23 UTC  

Damn, how fast is a missile

2018-06-24 16:14:30 UTC  


2018-06-24 16:14:55 UTC  

Energy weapons would work there right? Hell you could just install them on the ground

2018-06-24 16:15:03 UTC  

A lazer to disable the missile.

2018-06-24 16:15:08 UTC  

I was sure it was done before

2018-06-24 16:15:14 UTC  

an icbm traveling from earth to earth has less distance than something traveling from geocyncronis orbit

2018-06-24 16:15:32 UTC  


2018-06-24 16:15:44 UTC  

Shit man, Im just... Dreaming really about this

2018-06-24 16:15:59 UTC  

Not american, but I still want to see america suceed in this

2018-06-24 16:16:05 UTC  

you could i supose create a missle specificly for speed to catch up to an icbm though

2018-06-24 16:17:10 UTC  

Once you get to space, you don't even need missiles. Tungsten rods are more dangerous