Message from @Dennafen
Discord ID: 477485664598753312
coulter or malkin
idk if i want her to win or loose
She's really not prepared for any significant challenges to her positions.
watching her get humbled would be fun
but shes soooo dumb
Softball interviews from lefty journos are hard enough for her.
Who even catcalls anymore. I’ve never really seen it happen.
Though I’m a country bumpkin so that may be a reason
Y'all going to do the Momo suicide challenge?
Did Ocasio-Cortez just assume Shapiro's gender?!?!
Not very progressive of her
Quite transphobic
Basically unelectable now
@Dan V i was literally shaking when i saw ocasio’s response , I thought twitter was a safe space
Jack pls ban Ocasio-Cortez for transphobia #its2016
what a bigot
She equated a debate offer to cat calling?
absolute state of progressives
Identity politics at its best
Ocasio thought bennshapiro was paying her 10k for sexual services
thats the stupidest thing ever
He's a Jew,
He'd try for 9k
getting paid for services is now part of the patriarchy
@Dr.Wol fuk my bad your right , i forgot
@Dr.Wol haven't you heard that Ben Shapiro is a nazi? I'm surprised he didn't offer $1,488
Oh shit lmao
you know, a nazi dude that formed a party and got into our parliament last election made such donation to charity
What charity?
he's pretending to be gud boi and only nationalist now lmao
i don't know and I don't care tbh
He's probably donated more money to charity than I ever have lmao
apparently just some random family with disabled kids