Message from @Crimsom
Discord ID: 478324652545146880
damn... someone says that the term "antifa" was invented by steve bannon... i'm not sure if i should laugh or cry...
back when he was inside his fathers nutsack
his father was a german communist in the 1930s?
wasn't the helicopter crash unrelated?
Wait, a police helicopter crashed?
I forget
clearly the alt right used their psychic powers to bring the helicopter down
I had visions of ANTIFA swarming the chopper like in World War Z
those signs..oh lordy
no shirt no shoes ? wat
poorly thought out
nazis on M?
That's what I was wondering.
snakes on a plane was a fun movie
on Main?
hey hey! ho ho! the stupid signs have got to go!
that chant is so damn annoying 😄
chants in general are cringe
i kinda like this one
Why do you change it to Taxis are yellow if you're not even going to rhyme with yellow?
chants are cool... at spoting events...
Schedrevka, it works better that way
i meant the hoods one
didn't even notice the small one
Roses are red,
Violets are airplanes,
I'm gonna stab you with a knife you filthy nazi scum
yea the hood one isnt bad
see how much better it is? 😛
i read that as "queer nation warming"