Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 479322070019473429

2018-08-15 12:18:43 UTC  

Elected... democrat

2018-08-15 12:24:39 UTC  

Apprently alex got a week suspension

2018-08-15 12:27:57 UTC  

I would not hold a defense lawyer response for something their clients commit. That would literally be prosecuting the guy for doing his job.

2018-08-15 12:28:14 UTC  

And without defense lawyers, then we have no legal system.

2018-08-15 12:28:35 UTC  

You get the metoo movement when you don't have defense lawyers

2018-08-15 12:29:02 UTC  

It's the judge who agreed to listen too him that is most at fault

2018-08-15 13:07:08 UTC  

Oh yeah that judge ended their career with this decision.

2018-08-15 13:29:56 UTC  

as much as i hate the idea of these guys getting off so easy, it is on the prosecutions end to prove to the state these people are guilty. The state should always default to innocent. I don't care if you claim you actually saw them do it, i want proof otherwise it might as well be hearsay.

2018-08-15 13:49:43 UTC  

The big thing here is that there's the body of a dead child buried in a tunnel under the compound, and several half-starved and apparently abused kids living in unsafe conditions.

2018-08-15 13:50:02 UTC  

That's more than enough to deny bail.

2018-08-15 13:50:31 UTC  

Or at the very least demand that they actually post bail as opposed to a signature bond.

2018-08-15 13:51:13 UTC  

true, which is why the judge should be removed from office

2018-08-15 13:51:27 UTC  

how is that not enough proof these people are "a danger to the community"

2018-08-15 13:53:28 UTC  

That's an editorial.

2018-08-15 13:56:17 UTC  

Is it?

2018-08-15 13:56:41 UTC  


2018-08-15 13:58:07 UTC  

Yeah yahoo is dishonest that way. If you look at the article it actually is just a preview of an article on Investors, which is an editorial not news.

2018-08-15 15:46:48 UTC  

msm is dishonest? you don't say

2018-08-15 16:14:46 UTC  

ND "we want ar's for our school officers"
Me "you don't have enough people living in one area to have a mass shooting. What are you worried about not that I'm complaining"

2018-08-15 17:23:15 UTC  

So they gonna get armed guards?

2018-08-15 17:23:31 UTC  

Too bad, was hoping it was for teaching students how to handle one

2018-08-15 17:23:38 UTC  

Id love to see more shooting club

2018-08-15 18:43:08 UTC  

notice other and only injured

2018-08-15 18:57:11 UTC  

why did that map label oregon as washington and washington as oregon

2018-08-15 18:58:24 UTC  

Clearly they're interchangeable

2018-08-15 18:59:19 UTC  

idk enough about central and eastern washington to confirm that

2018-08-15 18:59:31 UTC  

but 75% of oregon is just idaho

2018-08-15 19:03:04 UTC  

Is there any bits evidence at all pointing to the identities of those 'youths' that burnt up all those cars in Sweden?

2018-08-15 19:03:32 UTC  

Every article I am seeing just says 'black clad youths'

2018-08-15 19:05:20 UTC  

arguing with a friend who says that it's most likely "Nazi's" and i'm just trying to find out if there is really any evidence pointing to what faction did this

2018-08-15 19:06:16 UTC  

in sweden? nazis are the least likely culprit. especially if the sources won't say who it is

2018-08-15 19:06:21 UTC  

Well "NAZI's" is a miss used term so anyone can be "NAZI"s these days.

2018-08-15 19:06:28 UTC  

that what said

2018-08-15 19:06:46 UTC  

but no my friend is saying its probably white supremacists

2018-08-15 19:07:02 UTC  

is there really no concrete evidence pointing one way or the other?

2018-08-15 19:07:12 UTC  

if it were someone on the right, or even someone near the center, every source would say alt-right or neo-nazi

2018-08-15 19:07:28 UTC  

Given the climate in Sweden, if they had any hint that it was White Supremesists, that would have been the headline

2018-08-15 19:07:32 UTC  

that is true but my friend won't accept that as an arguement