Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 479518046260559873

2018-08-16 03:16:53 UTC  

but its funny i think my friend is legit mad at me for talking about this event that it might be muslims and i get teh feeling i am not going to hear from him for awhile lol

2018-08-16 03:17:03 UTC  


2018-08-16 03:17:19 UTC  

last time this happened i didnt hear from him for 3 years

2018-08-16 03:17:30 UTC  

then he got mad at me for missing his wedding like wtf

2018-08-16 05:09:20 UTC  

I'm currently in a silent period with my brother over my use of alternative media sources like Tim over mainstream media sources

2018-08-16 05:10:21 UTC  

He had the gall to dismiss Tim's videos on mainstream media's collapse because they were full of conjecture

2018-08-16 05:10:34 UTC  

And to be fair, there is a lot of conjecture in them

2018-08-16 05:10:43 UTC  

But Tim does his research before he makes these videos

2018-08-16 05:10:47 UTC  

Then again tim did work in the msm

2018-08-16 05:10:55 UTC  

I tried to make that point

2018-08-16 05:10:58 UTC  

He blocked me for a week

2018-08-16 05:11:35 UTC  

Hmpf, never had an issue with mine.

2018-08-16 05:11:37 UTC  

Another time when I linked him to an article on The Knife (before they shut down, obviously), he actually said "Don't make me block you again"

2018-08-16 05:12:18 UTC  

My bro complains about sjws in uni

2018-08-16 05:12:37 UTC  

I wish my brother would do that. I think he's slowly *becoming* an SJW though

2018-08-16 05:12:42 UTC  

Probably, heck definately more based than me

2018-08-16 05:12:51 UTC  

He's a graduate student right now though

2018-08-16 05:13:01 UTC  

He's been in uni for essentially the last 10 years

2018-08-16 05:13:11 UTC  

And didnt even ask me. He watched shapiro and milo and didnt let me know

2018-08-16 05:13:31 UTC  

While on fb people link this now and saloon

2018-08-16 05:13:51 UTC  

Jesus, thats a lomg time to decide what do do for a living

2018-08-16 05:14:13 UTC  

Oh, he knew what he wanted to do when he was doing his undergraduate in Nuclear Engineering

2018-08-16 05:14:28 UTC  

Problem is, there aren't any jobs in Nuclear Engineering unless you've got a Master's or a Doctorate

2018-08-16 05:15:12 UTC  

So he spent about a year and a half living at our parent's again, considered going full-on Navy track, then got accepted to the Material Science program at Texas A&M

2018-08-16 05:15:27 UTC  

He's been there for 4 years now

2018-08-16 05:18:05 UTC  

Oh, he also dismisses any news articles from Fox News because in a mid-90's court case they classified themselves as an "Entertainment News Source" to get out of a lawsuit

2018-08-16 05:18:10 UTC  

for being partisan

2018-08-16 05:18:38 UTC  

When I asked him "Do they not cover recent events and other news stories?" he switched topics

2018-08-16 05:22:14 UTC  

Jesus the student debt..

2018-08-16 05:22:26 UTC  

Dont want to imagine that

2018-08-16 05:22:57 UTC  

He's got a stipend being a graduate student, so I don't think he'll have all that much student debt from the doctorate

2018-08-16 05:23:17 UTC  

Our parents were able to put us both through our undergraduate degrees as well, so no student debt from that

2018-08-16 05:23:37 UTC  

something I was very thankful for when I finished paying off my car a year early a few months ago

2018-08-16 05:24:53 UTC  

Oh, and assuming he actually gets a job in the private sector when he finishes, Material Science is quite a lucrative market at the moment, so he shouldn't have any trouble paying off any student debt he has

2018-08-16 05:25:40 UTC  

He keeps saying he doesn't want to become a professor or stay in academia when he's done

2018-08-16 05:26:22 UTC  

He's going to have some trouble adapting to the real world, methinks

2018-08-16 06:10:02 UTC  

I slowly pulled my sister towards the center, so now shes approx in Tim territory, though maybe less libertarian. As a result though shes annoyed at the SJWshit in universities

2018-08-16 06:16:15 UTC  

Guess I should be so lucky, I didnt bother with my brother, but I do correct him on some things.

2018-08-16 07:24:44 UTC  

My immediate family has all found their way to the center on their own

2018-08-16 07:25:23 UTC  

More right leaning for the most part, but not so right that they only listen to fox news