Message from @American Fascist

Discord ID: 654510113905967114

2019-12-01 20:57:09 UTC  


2019-12-03 05:53:14 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Cercle proudhon
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).19
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). American
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?No
5. What is your opinion on equality? Equality is only good if you deserve it
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed) Totalitarianism, Social Nationalism.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? 2 years, I'm willing to research and Learn almost any ideology I encounter
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? Liberals and economically right fascists (hitlerites) are both Globalist and Imperialist so I treat them in a very similar manner. Economically left fascists like Peron or how Mussolini was before Hitler I can tolerate.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? Where everyone is United under the state and a single leader, because totalitarianism eliminates the ability for infighting to manifest
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? I think it's degenerate trash that needs to be destroyed and replaced.
11. What is your religion? N/A
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? I'm not a fan of Marx but some "Marxist" leaders I can tolerate, such as Stalin and Pol Pot
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? Racialism in America would be a major Globalist fallacy. Civic.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? Imperialism is a product of global capital that needs to be destroyed.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? That depends if their ideology is worth my respect. Liberals and Anarchists, I will never work with.

2019-12-04 14:50:35 UTC  

<@500345414948618243> if u wanna get in answer the vetting questions

2019-12-05 01:46:06 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
Deutsche Kaiserreich

2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
Would like to keep that private

3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
American, and proud of it

4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason?
Well the only thing I know is that's a meme, not aware of it in any other way.

5. What is your opinion on equality?
I do believe that some people are better than others, but I don't believe that that means we should treat others like shit.

6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
I am a Monarchist and related to a household of nobles, some of which were founding fathers of our country. Economically I'm left-wing, and culturally I am very conservative and would like to see laws enforced to keep our culture pure. (Don't want it to be exterminating other races or something like that though)

7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
I would like to see people of all ideologies here. With politics, I was introduced to Communism a couple years ago, but became Monarchist after realizing that it'll take too long for the Communist utopia to be viable.

2019-12-05 01:51:17 UTC  

8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
All with basic human decency. Doesn't matter their ideology.

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
Monarchist world united through either a religion or some sort of Holy Roman Empire.

10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
It's shit, they took what is actual culture and turned it to shit

11. What is your religion?
Spiritual Atheist, don't believe in a god but don't believe that a god's the end of it.

12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
Used to be marxist, feel sorry for the ideology as it's now just followed by idiots like AOC or other people like that.

13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
Who the fuck cares? As long as you have the same culture, you're good. I consider myself a cultural nationalist.

14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
Good, it adds to the glories of nations.

15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
Of course.

2019-12-05 01:53:59 UTC  
2019-12-05 01:55:15 UTC  

Alright you're good

2019-12-07 08:01:21 UTC  

Please see my previous answers to the vetting questions- I apologize, I originaly joined and then left this server due to a suspicion that my account would be permabanned if I were in any public discord, but due to your partnership with The Leviathan I feel it's safe now

2019-12-10 19:16:21 UTC  

<@500345414948618243> <@653762961210474498> answer the vetting question if u wanna get in

2019-12-10 19:17:34 UTC  

@Dr.Clef answer vetting

2019-12-10 19:17:42 UTC  


2019-12-10 19:33:24 UTC  

1.Got an invite from a guy
from Cercle Proudhon
4.I'm aware it's some book written by a hitlerite , but I've never
read it so no opinions on it
5.Some people are better then others , some are worse , however
I believe these diffrences are insignificant and definitely
not a justification for creation of some caste system
6.I'm a Strasserist , it's an ideology that on political compass would be
a bit left of the authoritarian center. It's centrist when it comes
to state (authoritarianism, though I incorporate communalism into my
Strasserite beliefes , therefore the far-left and far-right conceptions
of the state "level out") . It's economically far left . I'm
also a traditionalist, a bit of cultural reactionary and nationalist so that would
make me far-right on societal axis i believe

2019-12-10 19:33:28 UTC  

7.I want to learn about other anti-capitalist, nationalist ideologies like
Falangism or Natsyn for example. I've been about 3 years into politics i think
(Though I am a strasserite for like 6 months)
8.I consider liberals to be my enemy , mainly because of their support for
capitalism , liberal democracy and most othen progressive values I'm against
As for fascists ,I'm not really on friendly terms with them but I can somewhat
tolerate them. Reason being corporatism which protects private property,
extensive militarism , ultra-nationalism and sometimes extremism when it comes
to religion. The only fascism that I'm "friends" with is National Syndicalism
,Nazbol and other who reject private property
9.My ideal world is a socialist one , with different races being valued and preserved
, with cultures flourishing and without worker exploitation
10.Some is pretty degenerate , others are not so bad
11.Agnosticism and I have some slavic pagan sympathises
12.Marxism I believe is the wrong aproach to socialism ,mainly because of central planning
I'm against and because that these marxist regimes pretty much always become state capitalisms
13.I want Europeans to embrace the white , racial identity , therefore race is very important
to me. I would consider myself to be Ethnic,Cultural,Socialist and Pan-European Nationalist
14.Imperialism is the final form of capitalism that must be overcome
15.Yes , as long as they reject private property or atleast limit it quite significantly

2019-12-10 19:33:59 UTC  

done @csd 13

2019-12-10 19:36:25 UTC  

Okay you're good

2019-12-12 01:17:17 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
Cercle Proudhon
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
Seen the memes, never read it, so I don't have any opinions.
5. What is your opinion on equality?
It's good if it benefits the nation.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
Socially Conservative, economically leftist(government should be a strong force in the economy), overall authoritarian.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
About 5 years, and I'd like to learn more about other non-free market economic ideas.
8. I'd treat them with civility, but I'd have less tolerance for a liberal.

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
Each country and all peoples would have the right to self-determination.
10. For the most part it promotes degeneracy and social deviancy.
11. What is your religion?
Christian, Specifically Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
Marxism isn't the right way to go about things. It's like, okay. Create a powerful state-and that's the end goal. None of this workers ownership stuff. If anything, nationalize the industries for the benefit of the people.
13. Race is important and could at least help understand the situation of certain groups and their outcome in differing societies.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
Spreading the Word of God to others is good, but countries don't need to invade other countries.
15. Of course, as long as they are respectful.

2019-12-12 01:17:29 UTC  
2019-12-12 01:18:45 UTC  

@Shalopy alright you're good

2019-12-12 02:28:30 UTC  
2019-12-12 02:28:48 UTC  

or do i have to do the screening?

2019-12-12 02:29:31 UTC  


2019-12-12 02:29:35 UTC  


2019-12-12 02:29:36 UTC  


2019-12-12 02:34:25 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
@American Fascist invited me
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
havent read it but fuck it regardless
5. What is your opinion on equality?
from each according to their ability to each according to their need
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
im pretty happy with marxism if im honest but its always good to learn what the other side thinks as it were, i wanna say 2-3 years?
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
politically speaking i dont like either, tho fascists are a greater threat to the proletariat then liberals
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
live and let live i guess, as long as your not hurting anybody i don't really care what you do
11. What is your religion?
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
its a social construct designed to divide the proletariat and keep them fighting amongst themselves instead of fighting with the bourgeoise
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
it it the highest form of capitalism and it must be destroyed
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
as long as they work for the proletariat in the end yes

2019-12-12 02:44:41 UTC  

<@&589977740166430744> <@&589904070719045662>

2019-12-12 02:44:46 UTC  

idk who to ping

2019-12-12 04:12:04 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
Crasher925 linked me here
2. How old are you? 18
3. What is your nationality? German
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
If i'm supposed to answer "positively" to this you're a bunch of larpers
5. What is your opinion on equality?
Eh, depends on what sort of equality, total equality isn't a realistic or even desirable political goal and Marx knew that too (believe it or not), i dont really see any reason to treat people differently unless they've done something to deserve it (such as the anglo 😎 )
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? Neither lmao, i'm a council communist and im pretty sure none of you are economically leftist
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
I know lots about most ideologies, been in politics since last year and through most parts of the political spectrum (including Fascism and Strasserism, although I actually read Strassers works unlike most people here)
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
Both of you are shit because you're ultimately defenders of the economic status quo lol, it's just that one is more militant than the other
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
Eh, it's complicated

2019-12-12 21:57:35 UTC  

@Leviathan answer the vetting when u can

2019-12-12 23:48:53 UTC  

Oh geez that's a whole lotta vetting questions

2019-12-12 23:53:29 UTC  


2019-12-12 23:53:40 UTC  

Lol he left he can't spell

2019-12-13 09:27:01 UTC  

I am ᛉ 𝖛𝖎𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖘 ᛣ

2019-12-13 12:29:13 UTC  

@∆° - Delta ∅ okay welcome back

2019-12-13 16:10:54 UTC  

Thank you

2019-12-14 19:23:40 UTC  

<@500345414948618243> answer the vetting when you can

2019-12-16 01:21:35 UTC  

3. American
4. Retarded
5. I think equality should be achieved as best as possible in order to level out the playing field for meritocracy. I do not believe everyone is equal though.
6.Social nationalism, left wing nationalism with influences from many figures like Marx,paettel,strasser,Stalin,gadaffi etc.
7. I want to learn more about integralism
8. I would completely disregard a liberal. I am neutral to fascists and wouldn’t mind allying with them as long as they aren’t fighting for or are funded by upper class and private interests
9. A world where countries all over the world can work together to push humanity past its limits while respecting their own cultures and traditions
10. It’s terrible because it’s full of neoliberalism and postmodernism
11. Esotericism
12. He has many good ideas and critiques and many people criticize him without actually reading his material. However I also disagree with some of his points namely his end goal of social development being communism.
13. I believe in race, but I would consider myself a cultural nationalist because there are many factors that prevent different races from working together rather than their races themselves
14. I don’t agree with it
15. Yes if the context behind them allows it

2019-12-16 01:22:28 UTC  
2019-12-16 01:46:51 UTC  

1. Via Widerstand Youth Group
2. 21
3. Australia
4. Good for the United States and *maybe* Europe, but not for where I live. It's good to just take on board the right things he said when it mattered.
5. Equality should be discerned according to what is just in juxtaposition to what is just delusional. Not everybody is equal.
6. Aryan Juche - tl;dr, the Juche ideal amalgamated with Universal Order and traditional Aryan values
7. I'd like to learn a little bit more about Strasserism as I don't know a lot about it. I've been politically active for about five or so years.
8. Treat them fine until they start threatening my values or attempting to disrupt my efforts to bring about my goals. I have my own agenda and they can either be with me or against me.
9. A world separated by culture, race and traditions and united by Socialism and Jesus Christ.
10. It's horrible and poses a great threat to our people and societies. It has no place in any good world.
11. Protestant Christian Identity
12. Marx got some things right and other things wrong. I wouldn't call myself a hardline Marxist but I think it's fine to take things he said that were correct and apply it to our own conditions.
13. Race is just as much a crucial reality to us as culture, religion and economics. I don't really regard it in this mystical holistic manner that some do, but recognize its importance nonetheless. I would say that I am both a cultural and ethnic nationalist.
14. Imperialism had its place in nationbuilding in past eras but has become outdated and has no place in the world anymore.
15. If they are anti-Capitalist nationalists, maybe.

2019-12-16 07:04:09 UTC  

What’s your thoughts on these new vetting questions I have in mind? You are seeing the verification questions of our server. Answer every question to get verified, there will be no exception to anywho.

1. Widerstand Youth Group
2. <18
3. Serbian/Dinaric
4. Most of the book is pretty shit but I do buy into the idea of insurectionary accelerationism.
5. Egalitarianism is regressive
6. I'm a futurist and fascist, I'd definitely call my social policy on the extreme right and my economic views are kinda leftist. I don't buy into Marxist socialism but there are plenty of other idealist socialist philosophers out there.
7. Idk about 2-3 years
8. I treat liberals like the practice targets they are and I'm indifferent to fascists
9. :)
10. I see it as reactionary regressive and femenine which is all bad.
11. Im Christian Orthodox but I don't really care about religion that much
12. Not a fan of Marx there were plenty of others socialists and Marxism and materialism are outdated and worthless ideas imo.
13. I'm definitely an ethnic nationalist
14. Not a fan
15. Yes

2019-12-16 14:59:09 UTC  

@vhozonian @Dale Gribble @Deleted User if yall want in answer the vetting question

2019-12-16 15:01:24 UTC  
