Message from @csd 13

Discord ID: 661674781526982687

2019-12-29 16:11:12 UTC  

8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? I would respect their opinions and attempt to be friendly, if they openly insult me and "fight back" for no reason I would oppose them however.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? I would like someone who everyone can trust in as a strong, able leader, my ideology choice for each country seems to differ from what I see as in I generally also take in interests from its people as well.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? Well I'm not particularly fond of much of it, I don't keep up with a lot of it either, I'm very closed so it's no use speaking to me about it except for I suppose fictional properties which I still retain interests in.

2019-12-29 16:11:16 UTC  

11. What is your religion? I am agnostic currently and am willing to listen to select religions that I have thought of trying.
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Marx was good for his time I believe, but overtime with modified versions of his ideas coming through, I do not believe he is as relevant as he once was, people like Lenin I find more relevant.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? I would call myself a civic nationalist I suppose, I believe citizens should be the top priority but I overall do not have any quarrel with other races.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? Imperialism is complicated. Whilst I may disapprove of for example Belgian imperialism, I am sympathetic to the Japanese Empire. I also like the British and German empires.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? I have done it before, I have no problem with it.
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? I have not really given accelerationism much thought, whilst it is an interesting idea I do not believe we should brutally increase something to gain support, I believe we should wait for the cracks to show up organically or save ourselves before the cracks get worse.

2019-12-29 16:11:53 UTC  

The amount of rewrites and separations I had to produce

2019-12-29 17:27:23 UTC  

1. cjxproxy
2. 20, about to be 21.
3. US
4. No idea
5. There should always be people to rule and people to be ruled.
6. Pan-human fascist, socialist.
7. None, a few years
8. No idea.
9. All of humanity united under a strong unitary government and singular identity. We can accomplish much more together than apart.
10. No
11. I am not religious.
12. Useful.
13. Race is irrelevant. Civic nationalist.
14. Not necessary.
15. Yes
16. Might be necessary.

2019-12-29 21:35:53 UTC  

@Deleted User if u want in answer vetting

2019-12-30 03:24:35 UTC  

@poopyscoopy just answer the vetting questions and I’ll let you in

2019-12-30 04:13:44 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? my n word CJ sent me a link

2019-12-30 05:59:58 UTC  

@FranciscoFranco answer vetting when u can

2019-12-30 18:50:01 UTC  

<@323126704585572353> @poopyscoopy answer vetting

2019-12-30 20:52:31 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? I don’t remember
2. How old are you? 21
3. What is your nationality? Georgian
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? How? I don’t, but when I do I think it’s bunch of BS distracting working class from their struggle.
5. What is your opinion on equality? We were interpolated in the society the moment we were born, but moment before interpolation we were same ( differences are arbitrary )
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? Radical left. Tankie social marxist (thanks for hinting on what I should answer tho)
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? Stupid question <— deserves a stupid answer
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? I talk to them to hear the fallacies in their views
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? Communist utopia
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? Consumerist and hopeless
11. What is your religion? atheist
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Im obsessed with Marxism
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? No. As the economic world (the economic base) gets more globalized and intertwined the nationalism just serves as a bourgeois tool for masses.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? Imperialism is great for capitalism and helps in alienating labor.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? 🙄 I do it all the time.
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? Yes.

2019-12-30 20:55:54 UTC  

Could you clarify your ideology

2019-12-30 20:57:55 UTC  

I am just a Marxist Socialist in a loose way

2019-12-30 20:58:18 UTC  

I’m not trying to be textbook case of any ideologist

2019-12-30 22:16:48 UTC  

1. On the Iran server, a friend sent it to me from there
2. 21
3. Currently living in Germany, originally from Syria but I lived in Iran most of my life
4. Read some parts of it, honestly not a big fan of Mason and his book although there are some lined I like for example his takes on guerillas.
5. Socio-economic equality? Necessary in my eyes.
6. Pan-Arabism, Ba'athism, Islamic Socialism: I want all Arab countries to unite into a natural Arabic state which should be secular and socialist. I distance myself from the Iraqi Ba'ath Party but I'm in favor of all other Arab socialist parties. It's probably mainly economically left and secular and liberal.
7. Could need sources on Ba'ath, Arabic socialism and Pan-Arabism. I'm generally open and search inspiration.
8. Liberals in my eyes deserve no attention and their arguments should be publicly engaged and dismantled. They destroyed my countries and persecute my people and religion, in the west. Fascists are not better, they're just more extreme and more fanatic.
9. I cannot specifically say how my ideal world should look like, my only demand is a safe state for all Arabs and Arabic minorities.
10. Popular culture in the sense of western culture? Well if you call market economy and consumerism "culture" then I reject and condemn it.
11. Shia Islam
12. Marx was a wise man with very good points, I like his critique of capitalism and his dialectical materialism.
13. Race doesn't exist in my eyes, it's an abstraction made by history. I'd call myself a cultural nationalist.
14. Dismantle western imperialism, it's destroying my countries and killing of my people for consumerism and profits in a part of a world which I don't care about.
15. I surely am if they aren't toxic and insulting me.
16. I'm in favor of accelerationism as long as it leads to the end of western imperialism and brings progress into the western political world.

2019-12-30 22:19:37 UTC  

Also I can see <#633326569619718165> and <#620342067914342410>

2019-12-30 22:19:43 UTC  

I think that shouldn't be the case

2019-12-31 01:11:36 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? I don’t remember
2. How old are you? 21
3. What is your nationality? Georgian
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? How? I don’t, but when I do I think it’s bunch of BS distracting working class from their struggle.
5. What is your opinion on equality? We were interpolated in the society the moment we were born, but moment before interpolation we were same ( differences are arbitrary )
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? Radical left. Tankie social marxist (thanks for hinting on what I should answer tho)
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? Stupid question <— deserves a stupid answer
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? I talk to them to hear the fallacies in their views
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? Communist utopia
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? Consumerist and hopeless
11. What is your religion? atheist
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Im obsessed with Marxism
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? No. As the economic world (the economic base) gets more globalized and intertwined the nationalism just serves as a bourgeois tool for masses.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? Imperialism is great for capitalism and helps in alienating labor.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? 🙄 I do it all the time.
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? Yes.

2019-12-31 06:37:59 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Partnership from the leftnat server.
2. How old are you? Personally but in my early mid teens
3. What is your nationality? Use either Norwegian or american.
4. What do you think about siege by James mason? BS right wing IDpol distracting from the real problem.
5. What is your opinion on equality? Well mixed. I'm pro social equality like racial equality but I'm also pro racial,ethnic,and cultural preservation.
6. What is your ideology?
√ planned Economy
√ left nationalism
√ new democracy
√ cultural revolution
√ ethnic and cultural preservation
√ technological, economic,and scientific progress
√ Christian socialism
× capitalism/consumerism
× reactionary and barbaric aspects of culture.
× zionism
× imperialism
7. What ideology do you want to learn?
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist? Why would you treat them like that?
Icralk to them just to hear there cringey pathetic views.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
A culturally homogenous nation that's very technologically, scientifically,and economically advanced.
10. What do you think about nowadays popular culture and why? Very consumerist,degenerate and disgusting. Thanks to cultural capitalism
11. What is your religion? In between orthodox Christianity and spirituality.
12. What is your opinion on Marx and Marxism?
I respect marx.a very good philosopher.
13. What is your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic,cultural or ethnic nationalist? Race is real but over exaggerated. I'm in between being a ethnat and a cultnat.
14. What's your opinion on imperialism? Evil and killed millions if not billions.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? Yes.
16. What are your thoughts on accelerationism?

2019-12-31 06:38:56 UTC  
2019-12-31 06:39:50 UTC  

Someone verify

2019-12-31 20:59:21 UTC  

@Deleted User answer vetting

2020-01-01 17:07:34 UTC  

1. I got a invite somewhere on a political server.
2. 17
3. United States
4. I've read it out of curiosity. I honestly didnt like it. It's just ranting.
5. I dont belive in equality. We are all different and that is what makes us special. I respect people who are different.
6. Fascist. I am a corporatist.
7. Falagism. I have been into politics since I was 14.
8. I treat them how I would want to be treated. I believe that getting along and being nice as possible is the only way to get a politcal debate done.
9. Where we all live in different nations and express our cultures through ultranationalism.
10. A lot of it is just corporate trash however some things I do like. But a lot of it is garbage.
11. Agnostic
12. I used to be a Marxist, but now I am not.
13. Cultural nationalist, but I love all forms of nationalism
14. Its bad.
15. Of course
16. I dont know what kind of accelerationist I am but i do like accelerationism.

2020-01-01 19:38:30 UTC  

@Deleted User @dehgani1 @poopyscoopy @ᛉ اریک ✞ answer vetting then I'll let u in

2020-01-01 21:02:59 UTC  

Can I answer the questions in Spanish? I don't know how to speak English and the translator doesn't always translate well what I really want to express. @csd 13

2020-01-01 21:03:22 UTC  
2020-01-01 21:05:49 UTC  

1. ¿Dónde nos encontraste?
Encontre el enlace del servidor en Disboard.
2. ¿Cuántos años tienes? (Necesitamos saber su edad real para tratarlo de la manera en que se ajusta a su trabajo biológico cerebral).
3. ¿Cuál es tu nacionalidad? (El país en el que vives).
4. ¿Cómo piensas sobre Siege by James Mason?
Aún no termino de leerlo, pero me parece el único libro capaz de desatar una revolución violenta capaz de vencer al Kali Yuga y destruir la posmodernidad.
5. ¿Cuál es su opinión sobre la igualdad?
Abogo por la igualdad en cuanto a derechos y deberes dentro de los integrantes de un determinado pueblo, más no en cuanto a capacidades, como en liderazgo, por ejemplo. Tampoco creo en la igualdad económica, pero sí en una justicia sana y en una cooperación de clases en pro de la nación, sin que alguna clase se convierta en hegemónica sobre las demás. También soy defensor de la igualdad en cuanto a participación política, sólo el pueblo tiene derecho a representarse a sí mismo ante el Estado, en lugar de esperar que un partido que sólo representa los intereses de una clase, familia o tribu lo haga, como ocurre actualmente.
6. ¿Cuál es tu ideología? ¿Es socialmente conservador y económicamente izquierdista o central? (Hazlo detallado)
No creo en el eje político “izquierda-derecha”, son conceptos desbaratados desde la revolución francesa, soy reaccionario, tradicionalista, moralista, altruista, corporativista, sindicalista, anticapitalista y antiliberal.

2020-01-01 21:05:58 UTC  

7. ¿Qué ideología / cosmovisión quieres aprender y cuánto tiempo llevas en política?
Aproximadamente dos años, me interesa la Tercera Posición en general.
8. ¿Cómo tratas a un liberal y un fascista, por qué los tratarías así?
A un liberal lo trataría como la peor escoria, por defender la explotación, el lucro, la usura, el interés, la materia por encima de las ideas y por buscar beneficiarse a costa de las necesidades y el trabajo de otros. A un fascista lo trataría como a un hermano, por ser defensor de una justicia sana, de las ideas, el progreso sano, la moral, el Estado como máximo ente regulador y una democracia auténtica donde el pueblo se represente a sí mismo ante el Estado.
9. ¿Cuál es el mundo ideal tuyo y por qué?
Uno donde resurjan los pueblos fuertes y donde el dinero, y por ende el lucro, sean superados, además de también superar el interés, la usura y la explotación hombre por hombre.
10. ¿Qué opinas de la cultura popular actual y por qué?
Me parece, ante todo, aberrante, decadente y degenerada, por fomentar el hedonismo, la amoralidad, el consumismo y la descomposición.
11. ¿Cuál es tu religión?
Soy un ferviente católico.
12. ¿Cuál es su opinión sobre Marx y el marxismo?
Marx me parece un personaje, hasta cierto punto, aberrante. Rechazo al marxismo por ser materialista y antinacional.

2020-01-01 21:06:14 UTC  

13. ¿Qué piensas sobre la raza? ¿Te llamarías nacionalista cívico, cultural o étnico?
Soy nacionalista étnico y cultural, creo que la raza es lo que forja los Estados para buscar la supervivencia de la misma.
14. ¿Cuál es tu opinión sobre el imperialismo?
Me parece bien mientras éste sea generador y exista un beneficio mutuo entre el imperio y los territorios sometidos, como el Imperio Español, portugués, u otomano, por ejemplo. En caso de tratarse de un imperio depredador y destructor, obviamente lo aborrezco fervientemente.
15. ¿Estás dispuesto a trabajar con personas que son diferentes de ti ideológicamente?
Mientras dichas personas sean antiliberales por mí no hay problema.
16. ¿Qué piensas sobre el acracionismo? Y si lo apoyas, ¿qué tipo de acusador te consideras ser?
Me abstengo de responder, debido a que no conozco mucho sobre el tema.

2020-01-01 21:21:48 UTC  

@TriPoloski 埃里克#6767 hola camarada, te saludo.

2020-01-02 21:46:44 UTC  

1. I found from a link someone sent me on discord
2. 31
3. Brazilian
4. Say what?
5. It... depends. I believe different jobs have different value and different amounts of work should not be rewarded the same. But this concept varies with the matter in question
6. I oscillate between conservative and liberal when it comes to non-economy related stuff and am centerist when it comes to economy? But I think there are times when either left or right are better than the other depending on the situation of the country.
7. To be honest I kind of just want to see how the different views interact. not really aiming to learn anything
8. Most of the time I will assume a hard head liberal or fascist deosn't know how to interact until they prove me wrong. it's something I've unfortunately built within my experience over time
9. a world where people aren't greedy, so that they can live in society without classes exploring each other
10. Say what you will but I like nowadays overall culture. It's definitely better than how it was years ago, I think it's due the whole information available on the internet
11. Christian
12. I think Marx was wrong. I don't believe one needs to pass through socialism to reach comunism nor do I believe socialism is any good, because of the examples available
13. In my view race is irrelevant. I believe everyone should treat other as equals (because they are) and I think (any) race pride is kind of stupid
14. Isn't that like... A thing of the past? To be honest I don't know much about the system
15. Sure...
16. I don't know what that is.

2020-01-02 21:48:32 UTC  

define better your christianity

1 - Kiss me through the scope invited me
2 - 18
3 - Brazil
4 - Siege is a book that talks about the Neo-Nazi scene in the United States, it's a book that does not interest me much
5 - Depends on what you meant as equality, full equality, while noble, is very hard to achieve, economic equality should be a goal all should abide to, social equality is tricky, hierarchies should exist, things like gender structure may be prone from biological differences and thus may always exist as well
6 - I would call myself a Left Nationalist or a Social Nationalist, while I'm too conservative for today's landscape I am not Anti-Homos and shit, but rather skeptical of the culture surrounding it, economically I am ranging from State Capitalist to State Socialist, not fully decided, but Administratively I am skeptical of democracy and prefer a One-Party State and a Dictatorship, so therefore I'm authoritarian

2020-01-03 01:38:07 UTC  

1. don't remember, probably iran server.
2. 17
3. i move around
4. autistic scribbles of a middle aged man
5. some things just arent meant to be equal. equality will naturally be achieved over time though
6. don't fit to those labels but i guess juche would be the closest thing
7. dont really care to learn a single ideology, ill learn anything valuable in general, ive been interested in politics since i was young
8. probably wouldn't care unless they were autistic, dumb, made me cringe etc. those are broad categories
9. a world with less retards, fat people, etc
10. as seen with the rise in suicide, depression, abortion, various mental illnesses, clearly bad
11. secular tibetan buddhism
12. fat jew who retards follow
13. cultural and ethnic. anything that's paternally my ethnicity and looks like one is a part of my ethnicity
14. depends on who's getting conquered and who the conqueror is
15. yeah
16. a collapse wont happen, the world will just naturally get rid of dysgenic people as it always did

2020-01-03 01:38:24 UTC  
2020-01-03 21:41:15 UTC  

@Ęł Sįnãrqūistâ @Deleted User @dehgani1 if yall want in answer vetting

2020-01-04 05:31:57 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
-*Second Internet Junta*’s partners channel
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
5. What is your opinion on equality?
-Impossible to achieve, some are just better than others.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
-Synarchism; Socially conservative, strong Catholic values. Corporatist.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
-Strasserism. I’ve been looking into politics since 2016.
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
-I treat liberals lesser, their worldview is degenerate, unrealistic, and most are spineless. I respect Fascists as they are willing to do whatever is necessary to save their nation.

2020-01-04 05:32:00 UTC  

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
-No homosexuals, no leftists, no Zionists. All-in-all, no degenerates. If degenerates were gone, our world would be advanced and would hopefully be more peaceful than it is today.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
-Decadent, it is meant to indoctrinate the population into accepting immoral behaviors. Mainstream Media and the movie industry in owned by (((them))).
11. What is your religion?
-Roman Catholic
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
-Marx was a mistake. Marxism is meant to destabilize nations from within to make them easy to control by the Chosen People.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
-Cultural nationalist. Race exists, I do not deny it, it affects IQ, physiology, and the way the brain functions.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
-Leads to resentment between the conquered and the conquerors in the future. A People are entitled to their own land, there is no need to take away another groups land for your own groups benefit. We can all live harmoniously together.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?
-Not ideal in getting into power.

2020-01-04 15:15:28 UTC  

*1. Where did you find us?*
A mate.

*2. How old are you?*
Between 20 and 30 years old.

*3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).*

*4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?*
I can't read.

*5. What is your opinion on equality?*
Equality is the most fucked up theory on Earth.
More seriously, it's a good thing when we talk about justice and rights, but on others domains or even when we begin to consider this as a real value, that stinks as hell.

*6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)*
Socially, some times ago I'd consider myself as radical right, but today I guess far-right is more appropriate. Economically unpositioned.

*7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?*

*8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?*
I treat correctly people using their brain, even if they're wrong, no matter if they're liberal or fascist. Ideology is not something important enough to use it to determinate who must be imprisoned ; I consider a nation as a great family united by culture and bloodlines.
If someone of my own country considers anyways its ideology as legitimate enough to feel legit to kill me, I'll indeed break his neck.

*9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?*
There's no ideal world. Even from my point of view.

*10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?*
**D E G E N E R A T E**

*11. What is your religion?*
Christianity, without relation to any church.

*12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?*

2020-01-04 15:15:29 UTC  

*13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?*
Race exists and is a part of a nation's identity.
White nations must to stay white, black nations must to stay black (and civilized :)) and Asian nations must to stay yellow.
Then, I consider bloodline is the most legitimate way to determinate someone's country. A mixed French person must not be concerned by this factor, otherly he couldn't be considered as much as a Frenchman or a (insert any nationality here)man.

*14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?*
ewwww I like it

*15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?*
As much as they love __really__ their nation, yeah.

*16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?*
Don't know this theory.