Ęł Sįnãrqūistâ

Discord ID: 599395735896850434

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Imagine encouraging genocide between Hispanic subgroups

Peninsulares, Castizos, Mestizos, Indios were all treated equally under Spanish rule.

The Black Legend in fake and gay Anglo propaganda

Smh, can’t believe people still believe in the Black Legend

Epic bruh moment

And this is why Anglos are inferior

Such primal instinct to kill

God willing, the 2020s will be the decade of revolutions. It’s the only way to get into power.

Ya les dio trabajo El Mencho

Que más quieren

Primeramente Dios, que el 2020 sea el año que el Imperio Catolico Azteca nazca

Mao Zedong was black

Wait...so this guy is a cuck

A negro piped his wife

And the mixed Anglo-nigger abominations came out

Now he’s paying for their clothes, food, and shelter

The absolute state of the white race

Consumerism is cancer

Lo voy a secuestrar, amarrar, torturar, matar y descuartizar a ese hijo de su puta madre por decir que somos violentos

I am fucking pissed. They killed my nigga Solemaini

Death to America

Death to Israel


I have never felt so sad for an Arab’s death

My nigga lead Hezbollah in their victory against Israel

What is the argument even about?

Bring back the Russian Empire

Poland Wing Hussared a Muslim invasión

1. Where did you find us?
-*Second Internet Junta*’s partners channel
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
5. What is your opinion on equality?
-Impossible to achieve, some are just better than others.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
-Synarchism; Socially conservative, strong Catholic values. Corporatist.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
-Strasserism. I’ve been looking into politics since 2016.
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
-I treat liberals lesser, their worldview is degenerate, unrealistic, and most are spineless. I respect Fascists as they are willing to do whatever is necessary to save their nation.

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
-No homosexuals, no leftists, no Zionists. All-in-all, no degenerates. If degenerates were gone, our world would be advanced and would hopefully be more peaceful than it is today.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
-Decadent, it is meant to indoctrinate the population into accepting immoral behaviors. Mainstream Media and the movie industry in owned by (((them))).
11. What is your religion?
-Roman Catholic
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
-Marx was a mistake. Marxism is meant to destabilize nations from within to make them easy to control by the Chosen People.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
-Cultural nationalist. Race exists, I do not deny it, it affects IQ, physiology, and the way the brain functions.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
-Leads to resentment between the conquered and the conquerors in the future. A People are entitled to their own land, there is no need to take away another groups land for your own groups benefit. We can all live harmoniously together.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?
-Not ideal in getting into power.


Why do you hate Italians? @QuasiArche

Where are you from?

Wait, you’re from Australia but complaining about Italy

Do you see any Africans in your day-to-day


Portugal was actually colonized by Mexicans

Look for the truth

El Mexicano no es una raza. El Mexicano es una cultura

Pero si eres Chino

Ya la mayoría de la población en Mexico esta mixteada, no tenemos tantos problemas entre razas porque no somos tan diferentes.

A cambio, Africa del Sur era Negros y Blancos, eso es una receta para el desastre.

Hitler didn’t kill enough Jèws that’s why he’s a faggot

Apart from riding his balls

Are you an autistic Hitlerist @Colton Williams ?

Oh so an autist

Mfw Positive Christianity

Neck yourself

>that have absolutely no historical backing and are probably written by more autistic NutSocks

Ok this is epic




Are NutSocks just spergs?

Based man


The one and only

Imagine wanting to stop being brown

Fucking self hating beaner

Imagine being the same color as semen lmao

I’m Russian Orthodox

Se fue?

Literally just got deported

Chilean Lmao xd

Nice cope

Nice cope



But Germany based


Hold up

Germany built us a cannon to shoot at invading gringos in Puerto Salinas

They volunteered when the Mexican-American War broke out

Batallón San Patricio

Imagine living in Perú

Honestly Argentina should be annexed by Uruguay

Congombia omegalol


Tbh the moon is rightful Mexican clay

Literally going to create the Third Mexican Empire on the moon

Oye, porque tanto odio contra Alemania si el estilo de tus fuerzas armadas están basadas de Alemania?

1.) Irish Nationalist Server
2.) No
3.) Mexican
4.) Román Catholicism
5.) National Synarchism
6.) Gun Control: Should be reduced while still having some restrictions on who can get guns.
Animal Rights: Animals should be preserved and taken care of as they are creatures of God.
Freedom of Speech: depends who is the one talking.
7.) Number of deaths are exaggerated
8.) Neutral, I can see why people who support it.
9.) Degenerate, homosexuality should be prosecuted.
10.) Yes
11.) Yes


I can’t buy gun <:PepoCry:690282556087861268>


It was, plus, they’re Protestants.

Plus, they have supported anti-Catholic laws in Latin American countries because well...they are Protestants

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