
Discord ID: 630112008750235716

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1. I found from a link someone sent me on discord
2. 31
3. Brazilian
4. Say what?
5. It... depends. I believe different jobs have different value and different amounts of work should not be rewarded the same. But this concept varies with the matter in question
6. I oscillate between conservative and liberal when it comes to non-economy related stuff and am centerist when it comes to economy? But I think there are times when either left or right are better than the other depending on the situation of the country.
7. To be honest I kind of just want to see how the different views interact. not really aiming to learn anything
8. Most of the time I will assume a hard head liberal or fascist deosn't know how to interact until they prove me wrong. it's something I've unfortunately built within my experience over time
9. a world where people aren't greedy, so that they can live in society without classes exploring each other
10. Say what you will but I like nowadays overall culture. It's definitely better than how it was years ago, I think it's due the whole information available on the internet
11. Christian
12. I think Marx was wrong. I don't believe one needs to pass through socialism to reach comunism nor do I believe socialism is any good, because of the examples available
13. In my view race is irrelevant. I believe everyone should treat other as equals (because they are) and I think (any) race pride is kind of stupid
14. Isn't that like... A thing of the past? To be honest I don't know much about the system
15. Sure...
16. I don't know what that is.

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