Message from @Andrules

Discord ID: 466100153997197312

2018-07-10 00:08:35 UTC  

This is Biblically supported by the global flood. Uprooted tons of dirt/mud that piled on top of all the dead stuff.

2018-07-10 00:09:05 UTC  

Nature had to work with literally plant matter in order to produce coal.

2018-07-10 00:10:04 UTC  

Problem with that is that you need the equivalent of miles of sediment and stone to be shifted into place.

2018-07-10 00:10:24 UTC  

With the global flood, that happened.

2018-07-10 00:10:48 UTC  

It didn’t just rain a lot. The earth was literally separated.

2018-07-10 00:11:08 UTC  

Water exploded out from the ground.

2018-07-10 00:12:00 UTC  

But that would only shift the sediment in those areas, not the equivalent of mile-high mountain ranges.

2018-07-10 00:12:15 UTC  

Across the entire globe.

2018-07-10 00:12:32 UTC  

The religious theory I've heard is that there was an extremely thick layer of moisture/water in the atmosphere that was almost like another ozone layer that was brought down and flooded everything.

2018-07-10 00:13:22 UTC  

That one isn’t really supported by science. It technically could work, but isn’t supported as a possibility.

2018-07-10 00:13:53 UTC  

The plate tectonics thing likely was caused by the flood.

2018-07-10 00:14:34 UTC  

As in Pangea was real. Then the flood happened and shifted everything.

2018-07-10 00:16:07 UTC  

It wasn’t an easy thing where just rain fell and then just went like a smooth river out of the ground. We’re talking a cataclysmic event that shook the foundations of the planet.

2018-07-10 00:17:36 UTC  

It was so catastrophic that nearly every society has that story seared into their cultural memory.

2018-07-10 00:18:18 UTC  

Yeah, I'm not buying it.

2018-07-10 00:19:30 UTC  

The information is there. You just have to read it. Read the Bible parts mentioning the flood. Read some apologetics sources talking about it.

2018-07-10 03:57:09 UTC  

Yeah, I still don’t buy it mainly because the theories for the direct Biblical interpretation are less plausible.

2018-07-10 04:19:06 UTC  

can you link me to more info on the Deluge causing Pangaea to split

2018-07-10 04:19:12 UTC  

i'd like to look more into that, it sounds interesting

2018-07-10 04:30:59 UTC  

Yeah. I’ll look for stuff and post it tomorrow.

2018-07-10 04:35:36 UTC  

Actually this didn’t take long. Each “heading” is another article. So just pore through these. And this is just the fastest one I could grab. If you want more I’ll have to dig.

2018-07-10 04:48:09 UTC  

okay, thnx, i'll look into it

2018-07-10 07:24:48 UTC  

Not really, no. Geology generally suggests that fossilization is a slow process that is circumstantial. Also, the Great Flood was most likely a reference to the last glaciation period, which was roughly around the time people were beginning to settle down and were domesticating crops. The flood heavily impacted the Black Sea and the modern-day Persian Gulf, which would have been mostly dry land with fertile river valleys where some of the first settlements could have existed. However, when sea levels rose, those regions were flooded and the fertile land would have been lost. In some cases, such as with the Black Sea, it would have been rapid flooding with the entire basin flooding within a year or less.

2018-07-10 15:16:39 UTC  

When you say fossilization, do you mean the process of dirt piling on top of a once living creature or do you mean the process of the once living creature turning to stone? So do you think the flood was a local flood then and not global?

2018-07-10 16:51:25 UTC  

Making diamonds is a full fledged industry now

2018-07-10 16:52:27 UTC  

I believe the flood was global and significantly altered the landscape, perhaps even the separation, joining, rise and fall of landmasses

2018-07-10 16:55:25 UTC  

Genesis 7:11 says something to the effect of all of the fountains/springs of the great deep burst forth/broken up, and that's not rain.

2018-07-10 16:56:47 UTC  

That kinda massive cataclysm and movement of the landmasses themselves would create a lot of pressure on whatever was caught between them

2018-07-10 18:12:35 UTC  

The Pacific Islanders were rocked a few years ago by that wave caused by an earthquake. I want to say it was the Philippines and/or Indonesia specifically. Imagine a continent breaking into like 5 pieces and the water displacement that would cause.

2018-07-10 19:20:31 UTC  

The global flood is also supported by following human migration patterns. We know that various groups of people migrated from around modern day Turkey outward. As they traveled, the people named geographic locations after Noah and his sons. Now the places aren’t called Noah Mountain or Ham River, but they’re derivations of their names in the language of the people group that named it. This isn’t necessarily proof of the flood, but it supports the Tower of Babel.

2018-07-10 19:29:30 UTC  

yea, you can even turn the ashes of your loved ones into diamonds

2018-07-10 20:25:48 UTC  

India got hit by that too, a lot of places did

2018-07-10 20:26:01 UTC  

The whole Pacific rim I think

2018-07-10 20:41:16 UTC  

Ah ok. I just remember the islands because of the news talking about how bad it was for them.

2018-07-12 13:42:19 UTC  

There isn't enough water in the world to cover every land mass, and if there was it would be higher than Mt. Everest, which means the water levels would be so high in altitude it would freeze.

2018-07-12 13:42:53 UTC  

However, there are accounts in various ancient religions about a great flood.

2018-07-12 13:43:10 UTC  

Which means Noah and his family weren't the only survivors.

2018-07-12 13:43:54 UTC  

I also suspect it had to do with the ending of an ice age, thus causing massive amounts of ice to melt.

2018-07-12 14:07:05 UTC  

It didn’t just rain. Water came from under the ground. And the mountains were created by the sudden ripping and crashing of Pangea’s plates. The other cultures with the flood story come from Noah’s descendants. The ice age was also most likely created by the flood changing the climate.

2018-07-12 14:08:14 UTC  

There’s evidence of a source of water under the ground. In the last few years I remember seeing a story of rocks that can only be formed in the presence of water that burst out of the ground. I’ll see if I can find it.