Message from @Shadow-Dragon-777

Discord ID: 525754226945687632

2018-12-18 15:59:42 UTC  

As an example of how historical revisionism is handled there, if you say the atrocities of the 50s and 60s didn't happen, you can go to jail.

2018-12-18 16:00:17 UTC  

It's like you have to criticize the government in a specific instance, but you can't in others

2018-12-18 17:38:04 UTC  

So the church, to be more successful in China, needs to be more subtle and subversive then?

2018-12-18 17:49:50 UTC  


2018-12-18 17:50:15 UTC  

The Church in China should first be grateful it's not the Cultural Revolution or the Boxer Rebellion right now.

2018-12-18 17:51:08 UTC  

They need to acknowledge that for all its faults, the government in mainland China is the legitimate authority over China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau; there is no other.

2018-12-18 17:53:23 UTC  

Stirring the pot here not only pisses off the government, but also offends the sensibilities of hundreds of millions of Chinese Christians

2018-12-18 18:07:00 UTC  

The vast majority of the PLA are just trying to do their part and protect their people. They fight terrorism and piracy, but they also do a lot of disaster relief. All those mudslides, floods, earthquakes etc on TV, the PLA responds to all of those and saves lives. During the Tiananment incident, and this is something they don't tell you on ANY media, there were PLA units that opened fire on other soldiers, to protect civilians. And many more that simply refused to enter Beijing. Who has any right to say they are the antichrist or aren't legitimate?

2018-12-18 18:09:20 UTC  

Same for the police. If you Google "Chinese cops" or go to China, you will never see someone who has any authority to enforce political laws. They arrest people for murder, rape, robbery, burglary, pickpocketing, theft, fraud, drugs, etc. State Security officers are not uniformed and do not even tell their own families where they work; they're the ones who will arrest you for demonizing the party.

2018-12-18 18:09:59 UTC  

What right does anyone have to call them the antichrist?

2018-12-18 18:15:56 UTC  

Oh I wasn’t advocating calling Chinese people the antichrist.

2018-12-18 18:17:04 UTC  

What I meant is that the church needs to be more careful how they criticize the Chinese government. Assuming they don’t want to be thrown in jail.

2018-12-18 18:17:05 UTC  

No I know you aren't

2018-12-18 18:17:49 UTC  

They simply need to stop criticizing. These house churches are usually "My way is the only way to heaven"

2018-12-18 18:51:26 UTC  

Ah ok. So it’s the less doctrinally sound churches having trouble?

2018-12-18 18:58:59 UTC  

Yes and no. If an official church said something not politically correct they will be in trouble too. But instead of getting shut down, the priest will just lose his job most likely. You can't close a church that has 4,000 members.

2018-12-19 16:34:47 UTC  

Of course the church lead by a pedo commie pope would be allowed

2018-12-19 18:19:22 UTC

2018-12-21 06:36:59 UTC

2018-12-21 13:55:20 UTC

2018-12-21 19:19:35 UTC  

General Kenobi!

2018-12-25 07:59:31 UTC  

It was all kinds of creepy

2018-12-25 14:22:21 UTC  


2018-12-25 15:13:45 UTC  

Wow the message disappeared

2018-12-25 15:13:50 UTC  

I'll retype later

2018-12-25 15:33:41 UTC  


2018-12-26 02:16:10 UTC  

@Andrules so we went to Christmas Mass at midnight, and in the front pew there is an obviously homeless lady sitting there. She sits and stands at all the right times (if you've ever been to a Catholic mass, there's a lot of sit down, stand up, sit again, kneel, stand, sit and so on)

2018-12-26 02:16:47 UTC  

But she does not face the altar at all, no matter what. Always turned around looking at the organ (on a balcony above the front door of the church)

2018-12-26 02:17:19 UTC  

She's mumbling and whispering stuff to herself the whole time, makes some weird hand gestures occasionally

2018-12-26 02:17:31 UTC  

It was creepy as hell and all kinds of weird

2018-12-26 02:40:05 UTC  

Probably some crazy bitch. Or possessed 🤷🏼‍♂️

2018-12-26 02:41:30 UTC  

I’ve been to a catholic service before. Was the local church in my town. Place was full and we did the up/down thing what felt like the entire service. I was like 12 or 13 at the time. Maybe younger.

2018-12-26 02:45:42 UTC  

So was she sitting in a pew that didn’t face the altar or something?

2018-12-26 05:08:34 UTC  

No she was sitting in the front row, center aisle, like as close to the altar as you could get while still sitting in a pew

2018-12-26 05:08:45 UTC  

It was definitely creepy as shit

2018-12-26 07:51:23 UTC  

Should’ve snapped a couple pictures of her 🤣

2019-01-02 20:30:13 UTC

2019-01-02 22:07:09 UTC  

❤ ❤ ❤

2019-01-02 22:07:11 UTC  


2019-01-03 02:59:11 UTC  
