Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 580336752133275648

2019-05-21 09:53:02 UTC  

when you do have time though check this

2019-05-21 09:57:06 UTC  

@Deleted User Do Orthodox pray the Rosary?

2019-05-21 09:59:26 UTC  

So you don't believe that the holy spirit proceeds from the Son because of John 15:26?

2019-05-21 09:59:48 UTC  

Orthodox use a knotted prayer rope called either a komboskini or chotki, with 100 knots, although prayer ropes with 50 or 33 knots can also be used

2019-05-21 10:00:03 UTC  

Yes, as I said, we do follow only the book without altering anything

2019-05-21 10:00:26 UTC  

Revisioning the new testament only leads to heresy

2019-05-21 10:01:15 UTC  

How was it a rivision?

2019-05-21 10:01:19 UTC  

Are Catholics going to hell?

2019-05-21 10:02:38 UTC  
2019-05-21 10:05:53 UTC  

And sins were forgiven through Sacrifice in the OT. Christ rose from the dead to show that death will be overcome with Christ alone. It was a miracle to prove he was the Son.

2019-05-21 10:06:13 UTC  

Catholics going to hell? Thats absurd to say. For the catholics part it wasn't revision but most like an error on the translation. The problem fired up when the pope legalize it though.

2019-05-21 10:06:54 UTC  

Revisioning was meant for the other "churches" as protestants that cut/add whatever they want just so their bible can sound "better" thus leading to heresies

2019-05-21 10:07:58 UTC  

Well, I will have to side with Catholics on this one. The Holy Spirit may only proceed from the Father, but Christ is still God. And God is equal amongst himself, revered above all.

2019-05-21 10:08:16 UTC  

It's your choice on that

2019-05-21 10:08:19 UTC  

but it's unscriptural

2019-05-21 10:08:27 UTC  

But the redemption of sins was through sacrifice, not the resurrection.

2019-05-21 10:08:48 UTC  

Perhaps both?

2019-05-21 10:08:59 UTC  

what do you mean?

2019-05-21 10:09:04 UTC  


2019-05-21 10:09:07 UTC  

I'm a babe in Christ.

2019-05-21 10:11:03 UTC  

The redemption of our sins came from his sacrifice in the cross

2019-05-21 10:11:46 UTC  

His resurrection show us that death is not eternal nor something to be feared and that it can be defeated by following in his steps

2019-05-21 10:11:59 UTC  

Right. Some Orthodox would call you a heretic for that.

2019-05-21 10:12:15 UTC  


2019-05-21 10:12:24 UTC  

I think they would, was reading up on orthodoxy.

2019-05-21 10:12:36 UTC  

It wouldn't this is what god showed us

2019-05-21 10:12:45 UTC  

But if Jesus is God, doesn't the Holy Spirit proceed from Him also?

2019-05-21 10:13:06 UTC  

And if the Holy Spirit is God, the Son and the Father is with the Spirit?

2019-05-21 10:13:41 UTC  

Thus I do not know that, the scripture tells us what it's. I'm not an expert on theology to be able to answer that

2019-05-21 10:17:27 UTC  

@Iakovos Eastern Orthodox Christians believe in a single God who is both three and one (triune); the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, "one in essence and undivided". The Holy Trinity is three "unconfused" and distinct divine persons (hypostases), who share one divine essence (ousia); uncreated, immaterial and eternal. The Father is the eternal source of the Godhead, from whom the Son is begotten eternally and also from whom the Holy Spirit proceeds eternally. The essence of God being that which is beyond human comprehension and cannot be defined or approached by human understanding

2019-05-21 10:17:58 UTC  

I hope that helps a little did some research to find someone that could explain it better then me

2019-05-21 10:21:14 UTC  

I see.

2019-05-21 10:21:31 UTC  

well if Christ is God I believe that the Holy Spirit can come from Him.

2019-05-21 10:22:05 UTC  

The Resurrection of Christ is the central event in the liturgical year of the Orthodox Church and is understood in literal terms as a real historical event. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was crucified and died, descended into Hades, rescued all the souls held there through man's original sin; and then, because Hades could not restrain the infinite God, rose from the dead, thus saving all humanity. Through these events, he released humanity from the bonds of Hades and then came back to the living as man and God. That each individual human may partake of this immortality, which would have been impossible without the Resurrection, is the main promise held out by God in his New Covenant with humanity, according to Orthodox Christian tradition.

Every holy day of the Orthodox liturgical year relates to the Resurrection directly or indirectly. Every Sunday of the year is dedicated to celebrating the Resurrection; many Orthodox believers will refrain from kneeling or prostrating on Sundays in observance thereof. Even in the liturgical commemorations of the Passion of Christ during Holy Week, there are frequent allusions to the ultimate victory at its completion.

2019-05-21 10:22:15 UTC  

@Iakovos Also this is about the resurrection

2019-05-21 10:27:54 UTC  

@Deleted User Do Catholics believe Jesus went to Hades?

2019-05-21 10:28:17 UTC  

Also @Deleted User Is purgatory heretical?

2019-05-21 10:30:34 UTC  

We do not find it heretical per se

2019-05-21 10:30:47 UTC  

we reject that doctrine but we do believe that some sins can be repented after death

2019-05-21 10:32:06 UTC  

The way of defining purgatory that is most acceptable to the Eastern Orthodox mind is to say that those who are being saved by Repentance and Baptism and participation in the sacramental life of the Church but whose sins, nonetheless, continue to create lasting effects such as passions, addictions, attachments to worldly things which inhibit their spiritual growth and progress toward theosis, are given the grace of having these lasting effects expiated so that they can receive the Vision of God. The way of spiritual progress moves beyond Baptism through three stages, Purification, Illumination, and finally Theosis. For those who die in a state of faith and repentance but before having completed these stages of spiritual progress, their eternal salvation is not in doubt, but this does not abrogate the need to pass through these stages

2019-05-21 10:36:09 UTC  

@Iakovos Also Hades for us is what call hell sometime just to clarify that not the literal underworld of Hades that ancient greeks believed