Message from @shinsoo

Discord ID: 505451453813620756

2018-10-26 18:40:41 UTC  

Fuck nafta. Nafta was written by corporations for corporations.

2018-10-26 18:41:09 UTC  

I don't care about trade agreements

2018-10-26 18:41:13 UTC  

Questioning NATO is a negotiating tactic to get the Europeans to actually pay what they're supposed to.

2018-10-26 18:41:16 UTC  

he threatens NATO
which is completely brainlet tier foreign policy

2018-10-26 18:41:18 UTC  

Do you enjoy supporting more than your share of nato?

2018-10-26 18:41:22 UTC  

I care about mutual defense arrangements

2018-10-26 18:41:32 UTC  

Cat, now that is fake news ... he offered to defend legally those that confronted the protesters ... let's keep it real and honest.

2018-10-26 18:41:37 UTC  

NATO is a US tool in the first place, dropping out of it would be pointless

2018-10-26 18:41:37 UTC  

@shinsoo pay your 2% and then you can bitch

2018-10-26 18:41:50 UTC  

i want to get out lol @Atkins

2018-10-26 18:41:54 UTC  

The agreement for NATO was to pay in proportion to GDP

2018-10-26 18:41:56 UTC  

Wasn't NATO set up to hedge against Soviet Unoin invasion ?

2018-10-26 18:42:05 UTC  

Alliances that Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush worked so hard to buold

2018-10-26 18:42:07 UTC  

Germany isn't at any threat of invasion, so why should we pay for NATO

2018-10-26 18:42:16 UTC  

I agree. Nations should pay for their own defense.

2018-10-26 18:42:35 UTC  

I do love that no one even challenged the last statement I made because it's so hardcore true.

2018-10-26 18:42:40 UTC  

Let Germany defend itself.

2018-10-26 18:42:43 UTC  

Germany is setting up their energy to be reliant on russian oil

2018-10-26 18:43:21 UTC  

How will Nato defend Germany from the pipeline being turned off.

2018-10-26 18:43:24 UTC  

Would it be better for Germany to be conquered by Russia or by Muslims?🤔

2018-10-26 18:43:37 UTC  

neither is any threat right now, so...

2018-10-26 18:43:41 UTC  


2018-10-26 18:43:51 UTC  

As to Trump vs. the World. I think Trump shaking things up is a good thing. The way the world is going, especially the way the EU is causing damage to the global economy and their own, is going to destabalize everything anyhow to the point that the US simply cannot support the rest of the planet on our own anymore.

2018-10-26 18:44:19 UTC  

the fact he's pulling back on US aid to everyone else is a slap in the face wakeup call for them to get their shit together and try to start supporting themselves

2018-10-26 18:44:48 UTC  

Sayoc was arrested in 2002 for threatening to bomb a Florida utility company, CNN reports.

He said it would be “worse than Sept. 11,” according to Miami police reports seen by the network.

He allegedly called Florida Power and Light and threatened to blow up the building if his lights were shut off, in addition to threatening an employee with bodily harm.

Sayoc had been arrested a total of eight times, according to CNN. One arrest was for possession of a stolen vehicle in North Carolina in 1999, a spokeswoman for the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office told the network.

Another arrest was for trying to walk out of a Walmart with a shopping cart filled with $239 worth of merchandise, according to NBC News.

2018-10-26 18:45:21 UTC  

sounds like a normal, stable person

2018-10-26 18:45:42 UTC  

between the migrant crisis in the EU and Trump's acts, it's caused a massive shift in most EU nations to realize just how fucked they are without the US's constant support, and now they're finally shifting (hard and fast) to try to stop the direction they've been going in and aim for being able to support themselves for once

2018-10-26 18:47:23 UTC  

When the EU first came together, it was supposed to be the next big super-nation, more or less. They were supposed to be able to rally together and be as big as the US, becoming their own superpower, and then the EU and US would go hand in hand to make the world a better place.

Instead, look at what they've done. They've run themselves into the ground and all the while the elitists there praising how great a job they're doing.

2018-10-26 18:47:51 UTC  

If this guy has such a long rap sheet, why is he walking around free?

2018-10-26 18:48:08 UTC  

For sure this #MAGAbomber does not represent the average Trump supporter and MSM will crucify the right and ignore their own violence. But it is also true, Trump does need to be extra careful with even a hint of incitement to violence. Unfortunately in this political environment the right has to be squeaky clean.

2018-10-26 18:48:47 UTC  

Because Prisons are colonialism and anti-black, so they need to be abolished, and like, you should only be put in a free speech gulag for hate-speeching, but it's more like a 4-star resort, so you should be happy that you've being sent there. (shitposty reply to Atkins.)

2018-10-26 18:51:32 UTC  

@DrYuriMom as someone with a lefty Jewish friend I can confirm that there is a growing number of people on the left who conflate Judaism/the Star of David with Zionism and Israel

2018-10-26 18:51:47 UTC  

sorry, I didn't mean for one random shitpost to derail that particular train of conversation, I was just throwing it in for absurdity XD

2018-10-26 18:51:56 UTC  

``I think Trump shaking things up is a good thing.``

Sorry JustTom I don't think Trump can stop the inevitable collapse of the US and the west in general. Even if he manages to solve illegal immigration, the debt and deficit problems are here to stay. Plus we have all sorts of crisises - child care crisis. A student loan debt crisis. A housing cost crisis. A health care affordability crisis. A job security crisis. A retirement funding crisis. A Social Security crisis etc.

Sit back and enjoy the collapse my dude!

2018-10-26 18:52:00 UTC  

And I don't just mean people on the street, I mean organizations

2018-10-26 18:53:07 UTC  

oh, aye
leftists tend to hate Israel, and that sometimes overlaps with open antisemitism

2018-10-26 18:53:11 UTC  

it's seriously worrying

2018-10-26 18:53:46 UTC  

If Trump was smart he would come out to, not necessarily take ownership of this, but just say that he will be extra careful going forward and admonish all Trump supporters to stop violent rhetoric and say that if you do, he would come down hard on them. I hope he takes the high road and not try to double down. But Trump is Trump.

2018-10-26 18:54:00 UTC  


2018-10-26 18:54:04 UTC  

no that would be very very dumb

2018-10-26 18:54:11 UTC  
