Message from @JustTom

Discord ID: 505795462880821268

2018-10-27 17:20:52 UTC  

And the evidence is there and will be provided to the authorities

2018-10-27 17:21:11 UTC  

I think the concern is copy cats. Also the optics for the companies that are showing the drivel.

2018-10-27 17:22:53 UTC  

We can give this one to the White Nationalists.

2018-10-27 17:23:43 UTC  

The rhetoric about incivility hasn't helped things but the WN own this one.

2018-10-27 17:24:14 UTC  

I think Hillary needs to own this one. She did say that you can't be civil.

2018-10-27 17:24:28 UTC  

Uh, no

2018-10-27 17:24:57 UTC  

Yes she did, I can get the interview footage if you disagree.

2018-10-27 17:25:35 UTC  

Oh, I know she did. She also coined deplorables. My annoyance with HRC is fueled by the force of a thousand suns.

2018-10-27 17:25:56 UTC  

She, Eric Holder, several others. And Pres Trump.

2018-10-27 17:26:07 UTC  

They all need their mouths sewed shut.

2018-10-27 17:26:19 UTC  

Oh okay. As long as you agree with that, then just know I'm shitposting against the fact that the MSM wants to hold Trump accountable for him, so I'm turning it back on everyone they like on a whim.

2018-10-27 17:26:40 UTC  

And their Twitter fingers tied up. I'll buy Melania the string. :p

2018-10-27 17:27:08 UTC  

Tom, this isn't MSM. We have openminds here. Nuance is a thing here.

2018-10-27 17:27:57 UTC  

Just keep the shitposting in shitposting or I might think you're serious

2018-10-27 17:27:58 UTC  

Cat knows I'm more reasonable than I let on ;P We're gone round a few times in the last couple days.

2018-10-27 17:28:05 UTC  

Oh yeah

2018-10-27 17:28:37 UTC  

We tend to have about the same views, but we come to them from different prespectives. The way proper politics SHOULD work in practice, but sadly doesn't.

2018-10-27 17:28:52 UTC  


2018-10-27 17:29:12 UTC  

So we butt heads for a bit until we come to the same conclusion, or at least close enough that if we were lawmakers we could at least get shit passed, and call it a day.

2018-10-27 17:30:20 UTC  

Hey, we should form a ticket.

2018-10-27 17:30:35 UTC  

Sadly, growing up I was absolutely a dem, and ... if the dems had the same morals as back then, I'd still be a dem, but fuckin' hell, dems have gone so far off the deep end that I would say in our modern 2 party system, I am a republican these days.

2018-10-27 17:32:10 UTC  

Oh you don't want me being pres. I'd go mad with power. I already have a 12 step program that would break modern government in the most horrific ways and either cause a new american civil war, or absolutely destroy both existing parties for good (not to say new parties won't emerge, but I'd wreck up the place enough that people would be scared shitless to fall back to only 2 parties).

2018-10-27 17:35:12 UTC  

Oh, my!

2018-10-27 17:35:21 UTC  

*ears perk up*

2018-10-27 17:38:42 UTC  

Of course, the foundation of my pres would involve infiltrating one party (probably the dems) and getting into office on that ticket, then doing subtle 'accidental' 'wrong think' things until my ratings plummet. Have the VP quit, then have a massive press event where I resign from office... Right after selecting a new VP, who would then immediately become president. (Of course there's a process in that, but nudging that through isn't going to be a big deal if the chosen party has a congress majority.)

This way when my puppet takes office he'll be one of the few presidents in history that was not elected into the office, giving me carte blanche to absolutely screw over everyone about everything that I possibly want, while gleefully pointing to the polls "Well you didn't want the guy you voted for, obviously! So that means you want me!"

2018-10-27 17:41:22 UTC  

In particular, by doing things that my own party hates the shit out of, but the other party loves, it would give my polls a constant boost through the group that should be my opposition, and any time anyone ever objects to something I do, I just point at the polls again "Well my polls are better than the guy you elected, so I guess I'm doing what the country wants me to do."

2018-10-27 17:42:38 UTC  

Hmm, this isn't terribly off from what I was kinda hoping would happen with Trump

2018-10-27 17:43:13 UTC  

Since he was hated by "never Trump" Republicans and Dems almost equally, that he'd govern from the center

2018-10-27 17:43:47 UTC  

He had the opportunity to be beholden to no one

2018-10-27 17:44:14 UTC  

But instead he's a troll (again, as i see it)

2018-10-27 17:47:22 UTC  

Yeah, but he's actually trying to play to his base. My entire stance would be to screw over the base that voted for me and do stuff they would hate. And I wouldn't aim for the center, I'd go to the totally opposite extreme, to demonstrate how two party politics is a miserable failure.

I mean, if I won on the Republican ticket, I would go shittin' crazy on politically correct stuff, shut down ICE, open the borders, I mean really just... All the worst stuff that republicans fear would happen. Although for good measure, I'd make sure I adjust my targets slightly, like taking rich neighborhoods in hollywood and claiming land there to make refugee centers and the like, just to screw them over too.

And if I won on a Dem ticket, I would... I would make you beg for the days of Trump again. I'm talking picking wars with small countries over petty insults that don't matter. Like really just being the big bully on the playground. I'd make Team America: World Police look tame in comparison to the shit I'd pull. All while stomping out the rights of LGBT, Women, just... total dick about everything.

Not because I'd believe in what I was doing on either side, but purely to show the absurdity of the two party system and how damaging it would be.

2018-10-27 17:51:09 UTC  

Uh, wow

2018-10-27 17:51:29 UTC  

Okay, never mind then

2018-10-27 17:54:25 UTC  

Tom's Blue Wave 2020

2018-10-27 17:54:33 UTC  


2018-10-27 17:55:15 UTC  

I guess I'm still enough of a snowflake to go, "But what about all the people who would be hurt!"

2018-10-27 17:55:38 UTC  

And I would really lean into any weird conspiracies made by the MSM like russian bots. Oh god, I love how much I could abuse THAT one.

I'd set up a poll on a US gov website asking the public what they want me to do...
Have like... 3 reasonable options that'd all be good in some way or another, and 1 totally unreasonable crap option that no sane person would take.

Set a timer on the poll... and like just before the end, when that bad option is at like 0.01%, I'd kick on my "russian bots" and vote it up to like 2 billion votes just as the poll ends, so I can go on national television live while it happens and say, "Wow, I did not expect that. Well the AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN! We're gonna bomb ---" whoever.

2018-10-27 17:55:44 UTC  

At a national level, every decision hurts someone.

2018-10-27 17:55:58 UTC  

It's all about who, how many and how much.

2018-10-27 17:56:28 UTC  

Tom are you okay

2018-10-27 17:57:41 UTC  

fyi Cat, I'm not totally that crazy. My whole point of doing this is more the outrage of making the decisions, not actually following through with most of it. All the truly horrible decisions I'd make, I'd be sure to put that they won't go into effect well into the future so the next pres could actually stop it before it comes to pass.

As I said, my point would be to destroy the two party system, not to destroy the country.