Message from @ZoSo159
Discord ID: 447926038585147403
Clive Palmer isn't actually that good
Vice being aggressive stage 5 cancer as always.
Along with this UN whores house.
Fuck these two make me ashamed of Australias current state of affairs...
Still whereing that scarf i see
Can one of you cunts send me the meme of the Aussie shitpost et holding a bottle saying "hold still while I glass you?"
So does anyone else here support Pauline Hanson and the One Nation party or is that just me?
Pauline's a bit of a cunt but there's no real good politicians anyway
I feel like this should be commonwealth minus India chat.
At least then I could post all my anti Canada memes
@Mr Sump Pump I wish I could support the Liberal party but I voted for Tony Abbott, not fucking Malcolm
Not a fan of Pauline
Australian politics just makes me frustrated
I just cant believe seeing any SJW stuff from Australia. You guys have got to everything down to the molecular level there that try to kill you 24/7 but still have some limp wristed pansies trying to ruin the country.
I havent kept track much of Australian politics and admittedly get most of that from people like Bearing
Cucks the lot of em
Cant wait until all this stuff is done and over with but feel like it wont be until WW3
and frankly no one has anything to really gain from a full scale war
I remember in a Discord I'm in this one guy got kicked but went out like a true Aussi
His username was Abboannihilator and one of the mods told him that username was insensitive and he just said "fuck off ya cunt" lol
Nah nah there is SJW bullshit going on
In Western Australia, if a child expresses to teachers or school councillors that they feel like they should be the opposite gender, the school has a duty to the child to make sure they get the appropriate treatment to meet their wishes without the parents consent
Also Melbourne schools want to ban Barbie dolls
Also that's vastly over exaggerated about things that are going to kill us
To the point genuinely believe it
Just always felt the spiting image of an Australian is a right to the point go getter who can fight their way through any situation so seeing that type of stuff just boggles the mind
That was the older generations but with everything, modern day academia being overrun by Marxist philosophy has changed that
Its not dead, that attitude
Its still prevalent
But vocal minority vs silent majority
I mean I thought I would never see it in Australia
But I'm not a university student, I'm a stinky plumber's apprentice
I do shit loads of maintenance around a campus in the Brisbane city
And there's quite literally posters for the Socialism Meet 2018 everywhere and Marxist club posters