Message from @JustTom

Discord ID: 510243756776095763

2018-11-08 23:26:05 UTC  

Well hes an old white man beaker, probably handle it the same way they do otherwise, call him names

2018-11-08 23:56:24 UTC  

Acosta thing: This is unacceptable of him, he had 3 questions already and she was trying to do her job. Give up the goddamn mic and sit down. Be a civil journalist.

Even without the bitchiness of "oh he touched her but she grabbed the mic" back and forth shit, purely the leadup of him playing keep-away with the mic is not the kind of thing you do at a press conference. He had his turn, sit the fuck down.

I'm siding with Tim 100% on this. The fact he keeps doing this shit is enough to get him booted. Anything else is just excuses about why it's being done now (when it should've been done a while ago).

2018-11-08 23:57:11 UTC  

predictably, CNN doesn't denounce the "protestors" at Tucker's house, and instead talk about his segment that led to the protests. "victim blame" much?

2018-11-08 23:57:59 UTC  

@Grenade123 thats dumb they say it was prob purchased illigaly but then kinda restate the need for them 2 b banned

2018-11-08 23:58:16 UTC  

With protestors like that, I'm rather sad that I'm not a mainstream figurehead. I'd gladly dox myself and sit there with a gun waiting for them to start breaking in my door before calling 911 then opening fire on the 911 recording.

2018-11-08 23:59:40 UTC  

@devboi it's Cali talking about gun laws, of course it's dumb

2018-11-09 00:00:07 UTC  

"yes police? there's a large group of home invaders trying to break down my door, I am terrified and need help immediately... oh shit, the door's breaking, they're going to get in!" Open fire. See how many die after I unload my 26 round extended clip on the crowd. Wait for cops to show up to clean up the mess afterwards.

2018-11-09 00:00:15 UTC  

but surprising theyd put that it was prob bought illigaly since it goes against their naritive

2018-11-09 00:00:38 UTC  

I'd love to see how the media spun that.

2018-11-09 00:00:58 UTC  

@JustTom u say that now but it would take a trully sick person to really do that

2018-11-09 00:01:47 UTC  

@devboi Seriously? It would take a sick person to shoot someone who's breaking into their home with a violent mob rallying behind them, chanting threats?

2018-11-09 00:03:07 UTC  

to dox ur self in order to kill ppl yes

2018-11-09 00:03:13 UTC  

I think you could probably do it in the moment, but after that, in all likely hood you would still be affected mentally

2018-11-09 00:03:30 UTC  

i agree u should shoot if ppl break into ur house

2018-11-09 00:04:07 UTC  

but not pretty much create the mob and set the contitions for that to hapen

2018-11-09 00:04:49 UTC  

I never said I want them to come break into my home. And if they come and protest civilly, I'd be annoyed, but accept it. I don't feel that hiding my personal information should be a requirement to live in modern society.

If it takes a sick person to shoot someone who is breaking into their home with a violent mob behind them, then I am that kind of sick person.

2018-11-09 00:05:07 UTC  

With protestors like that, I'm rather sad that I'm not a mainstream figurehead. I'd gladly dox myself and sit there with a gun waiting for them to start breaking in my door before calling 911 then opening fire on the 911 recording.

2018-11-09 00:05:09 UTC  

It's not my fault lefties have gone fucking crazy and deserve a culling

2018-11-09 00:05:46 UTC  

I stand behind my statement. I would gladly be the one to stand up to them when they go too far.

2018-11-09 00:06:31 UTC  

as for if they're polite about it. I might bring them juice and nice little cut sandwiches. I'm that kind of an amused person.

2018-11-09 00:06:49 UTC  

ok fair enough

2018-11-09 00:07:28 UTC  

I think it'd be funny to have an angry protest (civil) and to walk out there with a big tray of sandwiches and lemonade, and hand it out while asking them what their opinion is for a nice debate.

2018-11-09 00:07:40 UTC  

for sure

2018-11-09 00:08:13 UTC  

but specifically mirroring this situation? This guy who was trying to break down the door, at very minimum, deserved to be shot.

2018-11-09 00:08:56 UTC  

And with the threatening chanting the rest of them were doing too, I wouldn't fault anyone for shooting at the rest of them too.

2018-11-09 00:09:13 UTC  

id say it would have been justified to take a shot, idk if i say deserve, they deseve to b in jail 4 sure

2018-11-09 00:10:27 UTC  

Take what I say in context. I'm not suggesting that I start the rally and order them to go smash the door just to laugh after they get shot. If I did that, then hell yes, I'd be a monster and I'd deserve jail.

2018-11-09 00:11:39 UTC  

ik know what u ment i just dont like ppl saying things like that, if u know what i mean

2018-11-09 00:12:06 UTC  

im not trying to say u were a monster just trying to call out some hyperbolic speach

2018-11-09 00:12:11 UTC  

The conflation of "yeah, I'd freely 'dox myself' (give out my info)" instantly being associated with "Yeah, send them to riot at my house." is a sign of how far the left has fallen.

2018-11-09 00:13:12 UTC  

id have to agree but also u implyied that with compairing it to what happened to tucker

2018-11-09 00:13:27 UTC  

but yeah the left is a scary group

2018-11-09 00:14:06 UTC  

I was directly comparing it to this as an implication that they've gone crazy too far, and someone needs to stand up to them.
And if the right did this to someone, I'd argue the same. ANYONE who does this deserves to get shot.

2018-11-09 00:16:05 UTC  

if you read just how terrifying what they did is, you'd agree that if someone was armed and walked out and shot every single protestor there, it would be 100% deserved.

2018-11-09 00:18:27 UTC  

ACLU is demanding a judge be investigated for letting people go..

2018-11-09 00:18:48 UTC  

Isn't their own existence supposed to be to keep people from jail?

2018-11-09 00:19:53 UTC  

... Fuck yeah, I like that guy XD

2018-11-09 00:19:55 UTC  

iv seen vids of it and again i say it would have been justified, idk if i think the deserve to be shot, also nm my last coment it was dumb way of thinking and i dont think it was just u implying it it was just me saying idk if u just said ud dox ur self as a replacment for a left wing mob poping up idk if they r that bad yet for ppl to just see those as synonims in heads thats all i was saying sorry

2018-11-09 00:21:12 UTC  

np, it's just puffery at some level. Unfortunately on any level, once you get doxxed due to modern times, it either means hiring a 24/7 security force, or moving.