Message from @fsmetal
Discord ID: 459853114359545856
yes hokers for everyone
Yes, it should be legal. As long as, of course, the hookers aren't trying to give everyone AIDS
I personally have used over 15 hokers in Finland
so pretty, but so expensive. During collapse of USA dollar my mother (I am her only child) had over 500 000 USA dollars
as she owned 2 apartments in the better side of the capital city
I am Dixie and Finnish
my father lives in Florida
in Finland healthcare is not free but they do let you to be checked out, even if you are not rich
so it is not so unsfe
it was so funny when I looked at "massage thai" places in East (the bad side) of Helsinki
with my mother once, she got so upset, since those "massage" places offer more than massage
Cenk complaining about the "right wing" saying illegal alien. THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE, CENK,. YOU JACKASS
Guess it was the only picture they could find
Holy shit even when half the country falls for a false flag over children separated from sex traffickers and irresponsible parents, the dems still out themselves
this timeline man....
kids talking bout me, give up scrubs, aint' seen me cus they blocked me from everythingh, way to keep the echo chamber alive
>Trump will never hand you a sweetie
If Trump gave me a starburst I'd put it in a decorative sealed glass case
'U.S. Supreme Court just paved the way for President Donald Trump to fire 1000's of activist Federal Judges by a "narrow" ruling. (7 to 2)'
good hope that judge in pompeii 2.0 gets fired (hawaii)
I wonder if she ate the starburst
@Lefse I doubt it. I imagine she threw them away or just left them there. I can't imagine Merkel eating anything that isn't completely bland and lacking in color.
Ugh seeing people on my friend list on facebook talk about how brave illegals are and how Trump is making internment camps to separate their kids
Make it seem like it is logical or sustainable to take in the entire 3rd world because "They can have a better life here" "they are so brave to come here with their kids"
Letting them over here solves nothing. Go home. fix your shitty country
Exactly and not like most of them are going to become scholars and doctors. Most will try to leech off everything they can because they just see us as a paycheck or an easy out and the weight of them all will cause the safety net to break
Especially with how they have no restraint with reproducing and when they come here are encouraged to have even more on the citizens dime
Where is that video with the gumballs showing that its pointless to help?
what's that on the screen?