Message from @Trumped!
Discord ID: 463961941900263426
And the FOP keeps cops from getting screwed by corrupt administration or politicians who bow to political pressure especially after a shooting
What happened?
They just made it so government workers aren't forced to pay into public works unions, which is obviously a laundering front for *someone* judging about how much sperging went on that its the end of *all* organized labor
Not forced if they are non-members I mean
No I know about the union thing, I was asking Klovis
Teacher's unions are among the worst though. I know one state where they donate and lobby heavily for the left, especially on issues that have nothing to do with education. And it makes them virtually untouchable
His bodyguard
When you go after Rand, it's time to beat some ass
lol "stolen"
Not stolen if they died
The land was ceded in a treaty signed by their government. Not taken by force.
Ron Paul is literally cringe @everyone
Libertarianism is CANCER, Libertarians can't and WILL NEVER BE ABLE to agree on their principles.
Ron Paul has terrible form in his batting stance in that few posts up aswell. Ron Paul & LOLbertarians= Cancer.
libertarians have some good ideas and stances, but the open border and obsessing over drugs really hurts their cause
a lot of them are also extremely partisan, and dislike people simply for being a different party (even if they share a lot of similar ideology)
that's how you keep your little party from ever growing
Not all libertarians are pro open borders. Many aren't
i know, but it seemingly is endorsed by the party, itself
Conquest is just a polite word for rape. And god damn do I love rape.
the way the party has been courting the left seriously pisses off a ton of its members.
Rumor has it that it is largely because of a guy named James Weeks. You remember that fat sack of shit that got on stage at the LNC? That's him
he refers to himself as a libertarian socialist...and he is pro antifa
If you attack Ron goddamn Paul, you aren't a fucking libertarian
The party needs to embrace what it is. Right fucking wing. I am convinced he got on stage and stripped for the sole purpose of making the party look bad in fromt of the whole nation.
Blazing Saddles likes it too. The edge on that movie is staggering when you think about when it was made.
You could never get away with doing that moving these days without a shit storm.
I fucking love Blazing Saddles
Except that singing number. That scene grates my nerves TBH
^Chuck Schumer.jpg
O shit