Message from @Ehzek
Discord ID: 466755447320215552
But muh Russia
As a veteran I find it offensive that they think our protections got gutted.
Last I heard I didnt even have to go to a VA hospital to get treated anymore. Gutting the VA is a good thing its a socialist shit show.
Furthermore our colleges benefits now last indefinitely rather than 15 years after service ends.
He has only done good things for us so miss me with that gay shit.
VA is the only place I know of where you can not do your job, and when you do it you always do it wrong, yet you don't get fired
Well that and s1
Its the military in general its hard to get fired from. The leadership has to want you gone and you have to not be commited to staying.
I think they need to make E5s or E6s capable of doing some minor S1 work though
Like Im pretty sure I could have easily updated my soldiers sgli and shit
And all that other bullshit busy work that always came up
Like commissars in communist armies. Aside from the politics they also handed all the admin and pay shit for the unit
In the private sector your boss handles a lot of minor stuff, military should be the same
Honestly they probably ould replace all of S1 with just E5s and E6s
It wouldn't be that much more paperwork I dont think
And since you already know the soldier it lessens paper work
Hated the S shop people in 4/2
Had a layout in the snow from 5 am to 2 am the next day because of them
No one likes s shop. Not even S shop
They punished us by locking us in the motor pool and they stayed inside and told us out the window to keep putting everything out then put it away and back out over and over until it is found
They even ordered pizza and brought it inside for only them
Turns out they handed the radio off 15 years ago to another squadron
That sounds like poor leadership
Then when we got off at 2 am was told to be back at 6 for pt and since we were playing football "Should be thankfull"
I just took a shower, put on pts, then sat on a chair in my room and snoozed for 2 hours lol
I would have just slept at the company
But ours was huge
Everyone had a locker so everyone could sleep at the company
Puss pad sleeping status: Expert.
what the fuck
It's actually real, jesus fuck.
Yeah I double checked before I posted it
I've already almost shared something that was fake today so figured I'd give it a quick search.
In which the huffpo basically admits that they hate this country