
Discord ID: 320338137438224385

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Everything has to be a cataclysmic battle for existence with the left, jfc.

@bigbenisdaman Not sure if coming in and out will unmute you

@bigbenisdaman Probably already my favorite person in the chat lol. Good ol' drunk humor

Gotchu fam โค

Wasn't it featured in like... Call of Duty black ops III? I swear I knew of the concept a long time ago then it recently started coming up again

I thought it was pretty depressing walking around the almost closed down Toys R Us in my area. Seeing a store that's been there since you were born brought to the point of selling their plastic chains and clipboards. Just a reminder nothing is forever lol

Lol that too

Always hurts to see people talk about anime then recommend Bleach, SAO, or AoT

I enjoyed Psycho Pass, have you seen the movie?

Drink check sat

Biggest anime doesn't mean much though, decent rule of thumb is if it's popular it's trash ๐Ÿ˜‚ At least these days.

How was Franxxx? A friend of mine wanted to watch it together but we haven't gotten around to it yet

@Deleted User Which one? The "popular" 3d girl I know doing the ahegao face is like 19

if she's 16 I'm 16 ๐Ÿ˜‰ /s

Got any proof on the 16 thing?

Mmm that explains a lot. Chloe is โค

At work we work with something called amine

10/10 read it as anime every time

Define shit?

I feel like you remember too much about this lol

@Rtr33zyUTAHA Hehe I'm well aware ๐Ÿ˜ I was just trying to see if that was the girl he meant or not because I'd been seeing a couple other girls trying to hop on that bandwagon. I appreciate it though!!

I've enjoyed some of the tweets of his I've seen lately, but the way the left gargles his balls I just can't get behind him

Energy policy is big for me and I'm far from sold on solar/wind

That's a fair point actually. Idk, as it stands I wouldn't support him but who knows things may change.

Canadian dollars? Even better lmao

They're just afraid to have a strong woman in the SCOTUS ๐Ÿ˜ข


@Mf1399 You the real MVP

Now it's just the right size โค

Tbh I see a lot of disparity in sizes. Seen girls say they had D's meanwhile they're much smaller than expected

yeah that's true lol

Fr? I feel like I'm about to find out some tiddy math lol.

Like how my ahegao shirt is an asian XL but an american medium ๐Ÿ˜‚

@IT2sirslayalot What's the IT2 stand for?

EMN3 here ๐Ÿ˜ข

Well congrats man, hope you enjoy your time out lol. I doubt my sub will ever get big figures like that to visit, we try and keep everything low key. Don't want the media attention lol

From our ex CO though, Trump loves what we've done and wants to know if we can have a second of our boat for when we hit the yards ๐Ÿ˜‚ Here's to hoping we get a PUC from the god emperor himself.

Been arguing with this dude about the energy market, should've expected he's as retarded on every other subject as he is on power. Main thing is the last paragraph lol


@Mf1399 How are they supposed to have an argument yet? Vox hasn't given them a video about how he's basically a nazi

I've already almost shared something that was fake today so figured I'd give it a quick search.

โค Gotta love some Crowder.

I was reading some comments earlier about how the US is basically defenseless if they leave NATO

Coming from the same type of people who love to point out our military spending is greater than what, 8 countries combined? Most of which are allies?

It's just a damned if you do, damned if you don't

If we continue to contribute how we do, we wouldn't be able to support social programs like the other countries

But if we cut back our contributions we'd be "turning our backs on our allies"

I mean yeah who needs a military if you have #OpenBorders โค โค ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

Know what would give me a freedom boner? Nuclear powered battleships w/ railguns instead of conventional guns โค Sadly there's no justifications for it lmao

With our focus on anti-missile tech, I can't say it's too crazy that we'd also be researching tech for (relatively) close combat that wouldn't be able to be stopped by the same tech.

That's international waters baby, totally legal to patrol โค Then when ya need to, BOOM.

Don't get me wrong, being able to strike from the other side of the world is pretty hot too, but it's nice seeing sci-fi tech come to fruitation. Gives you hope for the future, yanno?

From my understand we've signed a treaty that doesn't allow for WMDs in space

But ship to ship or ship to satellite "combat" should be fair game

And let's be honest, if you took out a country's satellites and disallowed use of your own to them they'd be struggling

Honestly from what I'd heard about kinetic bombardment I figured they'd be classified under WMDs, but ey I'm not complaining lol

Yeah probably, I just don't know those numbers lol. I just figured with the way the US works we'd go big or go home

Haters gonna hate hate hate~

Unless we go full on socialism the world's gonna hate, so fuck em

You're right, one day we won't have our shitposter in chief ๐Ÿ˜ข I try not to think about that yet

I'm praying that my boat will get a presidential unit citation from him though. Would be one of my prized possessions.

SSN-23 USS Jimmy Carter

Historically we've gotten similar awards and our predecessors have gotten them as well. It'd just be nice knowing I was wearing it from the god emperor himself ๐Ÿ˜›

Honestly it's not as bad as it seems

Just imagine your house is attached to your workplace and you never leave either

I'm not overly attached to much so going away for months at a time with little to no contact isn't too much of a biggie for me. All that sucked was that I only had the same 500 songs to listen to and my phone broke half way through our last deployment XD

Depending on your job you may not even notice XD I spend the majority of my day on the boat, so going underway/underwater was the same shit except I didn't sleep in my bed at my house.

When you actually notice you're underwater is when you're close to the surface and the boat rocks back and forth

Which is also the best sleep you'll get

Tech is truly amazing today

I can't help but remember trying to convince my parents that the people I met online aren't pedos XD

But damn if I didn't meet some people that I would've never met without the intenet ๐Ÿ’”

Reading an article about how different people on twitter lost a bunch of followers in a recent twitter purge of suspicious accounts. Trump lost 200k of his 53.3M followers. Meanwhile Obama lost 2.4M bringing him down to 101M followers, CNN lost 1M bringing them down to 40M, and NYT lost 730K bringing them down to less than 42M. Who would've thought the left has a bunch of fake accounts following them to boost their numbers? ๐Ÿ˜‚

"but even bronies don't have a subclass that is pedophilic in nature" I'm sure you can find plenty of r34 of the CMC

IMO saying either have a huge fandom around them seems wrong. There may be a lot of people who like it, but the majority of those people just fall into the "weeb" crowd. Fandom seems much more targetted where they'd obsess over just that show than anime in general

Wait, anime is popular now?

Sad that psy is only known for gangnam style, he's got some good songs

Yeah gentlemen is meh, I was a fan of Korea and Right Now

Aren't bronies considered to be furries by gen pop?

Loli is literally being talked about

But we're ignoring it lmao kay

Oh god, some dude in my class wore a suit of armor to walmart to grocery shop

Trying to remember his name rn, will link pics

Hetalia definitely.

It's fairly old though so it's not so bad now

I've heard of it, always thought it was an asian thing stilll

No clue ๐Ÿ˜„

Cause we're too good for them yo

then prove it ๐Ÿ˜‚ we are obviously not taking your word for it

Saying "I can't link a source but trust me it's true" doesn't exactly change minds

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