Message from @Gregory Able
Discord ID: 466206356228276224
Lee in particular is mostly responsible for conclusively ending the Civil war when he told his soldiers and his country that the time has come for it to end, and for them to become good citizens again
What the hell does MI have to do with this? Are they saying that MI doesn't count count and a state?
What are you talking about @Stormbreaker
Tringapore's pic
MI being what?
The fuck
Oh see
It was prob the last state counted
The left and their multitude of escape clauses
well the tariffs are affecting my job a little bit, but not to the extent the liberals scream about
Canada has always had tariffs on imports but we let them walk all over us, as with other countries, and of course when we do something about it the commies screech
They will bend the knee sooner or later
Terry “I’m a Yankee Carpet bagger” McAuliffe.
shitposting on twitter
I thought I died already to Net Neutrality, now I'll die to this?
Commies being removed makes me shed tears of joy.
Makes pinochet proud
But muh Russia
As a veteran I find it offensive that they think our protections got gutted.
Last I heard I didnt even have to go to a VA hospital to get treated anymore. Gutting the VA is a good thing its a socialist shit show.
Furthermore our colleges benefits now last indefinitely rather than 15 years after service ends.
He has only done good things for us so miss me with that gay shit.
VA is the only place I know of where you can not do your job, and when you do it you always do it wrong, yet you don't get fired
Well that and s1
Its the military in general its hard to get fired from. The leadership has to want you gone and you have to not be commited to staying.
I think they need to make E5s or E6s capable of doing some minor S1 work though
Like Im pretty sure I could have easily updated my soldiers sgli and shit
And all that other bullshit busy work that always came up