Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 497649385300295680
Shame them. Make them pay for the shame they caused their victim.
Spit on them, laugh at them. Make their day miserable.
If they show signs of suicidal ideation lock them up in a mental ward. You don't let them take the easy way out. Drug them up to where they're numb enough to not feel emotion.
False rape accussations sole intention is to ruin someone's life, and the only way to stop that kind of nonsense is make an example of someone. Put fear into the people's heart.
Fuck it, maybe I am full blown authoritarian.
I don't advocate for total control of people's lives, just the strict adherence to moral principle.
Public accusations should just be illegal
Until they are convicted it should be defamation of the highest order and the accusers should have to pay damages immediately
Probably should have to pay the the accused defense as well
Handle it properly or shut the fuck up
Can't arrest both except in a rare circumstance
And unfortunately most states require an arrest if there is probable cause. No discretion
Even if you know the case isn't legit
Went to a call where he wanted her to leave, because she cheated. She refused to leave. Technically can't make her, but I talked her into it, call Mom and stay with her, call us to stand by and get your stuff etc.
Ironically she was black, he was white
And a huge age difference
Nice girl aside from the fact that she cheated
Really nice guy
Separated them, talked to her awhile, she didn't allege any physical harm. She fell and caught herself on the marble sink counter and broke a nail, that was all.
Well, when Mom got ahold of her, they apparently talked, and next day they went to the police station to report him for hitting her, grabbing her, preventing her from leaving, and taking her phone so she couldn't call 911. Even though HE is the one who called us originally and it was via the nonemergency number
Female officer I've talked about before that fucked a bunch of people including her boss, while married to a sailor, she gets the call. Calls me up and asks why I didn't arrest blah blah. I explained everything and she insisted he must be lying.
Her next phone call was to the magistrate court, got a warrant signed and arrested him at work. Note that she never even talked to him to get his side or anything.
He was in the hiring process for a really good job on the Navy base. Not anymore after he got arrested.
I filed a complaint on her for it, nothing was done because the lieutenant is friends with the sergeant she's fucking
I dunno if he got convicted. But the bond was like $5,000 so he would be out $750, a job opportunity, a day in jail, time off from work for court, legal fees, lawyer etc.
Even if he won, he would still lose.
Wow that’s super fucked up. Poor guy.
Our legal system is heavily in support of women.
This needs to be fixed.
It was initially done to protect women from deadbeat husbands. Feminists have weaponized it to ruin the lives of all men.
Just another part of the culture war.
We have Manchin but not Murowski.
Kavanugh's either going to be passed 51 - 49 or 50 - 50 with Pence as a tiebreaker.
Flake said he will vote yes
For whatever his word is worth
The snowflake better.
He'll be replaced by a Democrat in 2018 anyway....
McSally will not win that seat, and even if she does, she's a fucking lib in disguise.