Message from @CoffeeCake
Discord ID: 457275193442697246
TY Trump on behalf of everyone in Asia
hmm..... the summit did help warm relationships by a large extent, and also brought an agreement by both countries
whether the North keeps the agreement remains to be seen
but im hopeful
I too am hopeful, but not jubilant just yet
That being said I will trumpet this in the face of every enemy of the imperium
**Pasta Intensifies**
We'll see how long it lasts
The NK officers are fleeing across the DMZ. I don't know what's happening there, but if the military is trying to escape, that's not a good sign
I know there's food shortages and the land is barren from the missile tests.
That could start a whole new diplomatic nightmare
>Officers flee
>South Korea takes them in
>North Korea calls it an affront and active espionage
>Missile test resume
>Kim burns the agreement with Trump
Oh fuck
@Victus Shmmidtt >Kim launches priemtive strike on SK
>We Nuke Them
>China Nukes US
>Todd Howard is behind all this
>Fallout 76 becomes real
I know this is a funny post but the likeliness of us using a full nuclear arsenal on NK is slim.
To be honest if the nk were to use nukes, China would just drop them there.
US, ROK, and PRC are immune to nuclear weapons. All have advanced missile defense systems
Not Best Girl.....
Shit ideology, mental illness, and weeb trash
That just makes me dislike NatSoc even more
Fucc that
The only thing wrong with national socialism is it's adherents
Literally every one is an autistic weirdo
Oh and its socialism
It's not Marxism
cat girls cant be trans its a law
What in the fucking fuck
Isn't this legally child grooming? why tf does children need bo be oversexualized in both appearance and attitude like that?
Those "drag kid" are 100% sexually abused i swear
This is exactly why Putin passed the controversial anti gay law that made the left hate him
Fucking hell, those LBGTBBQ are started to infecting my country
that may have been a reason, but the anti-gay law is also a step in trying to fix the downspiral of russia's population
I hated how the media ran with that
The law doesn't even send you to jail. It's a fine. The fine is for trying to recruit minors into homosexuality. That's all.
Some good Paramilitarism can fix this