Message from @Tom - GET Official
Discord ID: 450454453875638276
GET is live and I can't find anyone playing Halo 3 . Based player base.
sounds like my high school
@Tom - GET Official Heard from people on FB about their "Right to Peacefully Assemble and 1st ammendment rights", I responded with that they have no right to do it on private property; especially impeding on their business by laying on the floor. It could had been considered trespassing and disturbing the peace, and they should had been arrested.
I was purposely keep kicking them "oh im sorry i keep bumping into you "While kicking their ribs repeatedly
maybe drop a few heavy stuff "Accidentally" on them
Hogg is a creeper trying to gain points with the ladies for being "Virtuous"
the less you talk about amy schumer the better
Right timeline*
Would you want to. XD
Wow its almost like they get what is wrong with the game
Great Livestream!
are we clear?
Yeah i believe so
Heard you a bit less than Tom in terms of mix, but it was good.
We've been having issues with his setup, I think it's Discord related
Im listening in
I muted myself @Mediocre Pleb
Read the bee movie script
He's a minority thats why
Thats why He hasn't been zucced
do what the chinese do with muslums
Are those reeducation camps in japan a meme or real?
Tried to redpill my cousin on sweden tonight.... 50/50 results I think
She couldn't believe it at first because all she knows is what Buzzfeed has said. Then with her being a feminist I dropped the Swedish Rape Bomb on her and after looking it up she stopped talking.
I'm hoping I planted seeds of doubt in her mind. Her mother however is a total SJW so I wonder how that'll last
No joke, her brother left home because he as tired of how white men like him were the cause of all his mother's problems